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Blood Sugar


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During my physical in January, my a1c was 5.7. My fasting sugar was 115, but this wasn't first thing in the morning. It had been kind of a stressful day for me, too, which someone told me can increase sugar. The doctor's office called me and told me that I should cut back on refined carbs and try to lose some weight and that would most likely take care of it. I asked if I needed to come back, and they said no. If I would do those things, I could just check next year.  I went lower carb (under 90 or so a day) for 3-4 months and lost 25 pounds. I've kept it off since then even with adding back in more carbs. I don't really keep count, but I am conscience not to eat too many at one time and to see some very low carb meals here and there. I've even had a little sugar off and on, too. Does keeping the weight off mean the sugar problem is mostly likely under control? 





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Congrats on the weight loss! An A1c of 5.7 is really not bad at all. I don't know that it's really a "blood sugar problem" at all.... Just more of a make-healthy-changes-to-reduce-risk-of-diabetes-in-20-years kind of thing. My guess is your blood work (including cholesterol etc..) will be better all around for having lost the weight.

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The only way to tell is to get tested again. Those numbers are definitely above the true normal range, with the fasting number being more concerning to me. Weight loss can correct the problem for some people, but not always. Congratulations on your weight loss.



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