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Moonwalking with Einstein... memory palace... memory tricks


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Has anyone read the book Moonwalking with Einstein?  I just finished it and found it so interesting!   I want to start memorizing card decks as a party trick!  lol. 


I'm wondering what books would more concretely teach "tricks" for more useful information- historical dates/timelines, that sort of thing. 


Anyone?  Anyone? 

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Yes, I was disappointed as well with the lack of information on poem memorization.  I feel like I could go out and learn to memorize a deck of cards or random digits and possibly random words after reading the book, but not poetry.  His basic stance there was, "Everyone hates this part of the test!  Next..." 


Then again, the book was a journalistic exploration of the art and sport of memorization, not a how-to manual, so I need to keep looking for a few of those. 


I will check out the mensa kids link for memorizing poetry.  Thanks!


I'm sort of intrigued at taking up (non-competitive) memorization as a hobby.  There are so many areas where I have simply not bothered- memorizing states and capitals, presidents and terms, historical timelines/dates...  I would love to give a few of these tools a try!  I recently had my wallet stolen, and it would have been nice if I'd memorized my credit card numbers...lol. 


I read the book after reading Fluent Forever, which referenced it.  I've sort of gone learn-about-memory-techniques crazy...  it will be interesting to see if it actually translates into anything useful for me.  :-) 



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