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Synge's Story of the World: FREE copies????


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I just found one of them, On The Shores of the Great Sea on archive.org https://archive.org/details/ontheshoresofthe030766mbp and you can download the PDF on your Google drive.

I didn't look for the other ones but I'm sure they are there too. Hoped that helped :)


Thank you! I didn't find this one. I still cannot find the rest.


Book 2: The Discovery of New Worlds

Book 3: The Awakening of Europe

Book 4: The Struggle for Sea Power

Book 5: Growth of the British Empire


I find this odd.  :confused: 

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I'm intrigued by these....do you find them to be historically accurate? 


These are storybooks for children designed to be inspiring and entertaining. As such, their veracity is often limited simply because of what they choose to omit. Depending on your goals for teaching history, you may or may not find them suitable. I think of them along the lines of The American Story: 100 True Tales from American History -- very topical and intended for entertainment.

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I'm intrigued by these....do you find them to be historically accurate? I see we can read them for free all on Mainlesson...they are also for sale on Amazon as kindle books for $3...



I'm going to let others respond to historically accurate.


My goals for history are larger than accuracy, and smaller than "complete". That's all I'm going to say about that TODAY. This is an extra tough week for me, and I have no energy or time to waste debating or even explaining.


Gentlemommy, this is a popular series, and one that some people find less objectionable than other similar books, and it's not US-centric, and it's public domain. I had reasons for choosing it as the lesser of evils, rather than loving it. I've only skimmed the books, and now it looks like I'm going to need to choose something else. Sigh! :banghead:  Honestly, I just cannot muster up any great enthusiasm or outrage over history books anymore. I'm closer to 50, than 40 now, and I'm starting to show the apathy that often accompanies aging. I'm just tired. And when you are tired, some stuff just doesn't seem to matter so much anymore. I'd rather take a student to feed the ducks out in the sunshine than obsess over history, or let it take up more than an hour or two a week.

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Totally agree Hunter. Honestly, I've gotten to the point with both history and science that no matter what we choose, it will not be 'enough', 'comprehensive', or perfect. It just won't. So I'm looking for the easiest way to get them interested and excited about various stories and concepts, and then giving them the tools to delve deeper. If I let myself get caught up in finding the 'best' method/curriculum/activity/supplement, I lose sight of what is important and learning becomes drudgery. I like SOTW for now, and am interested in this Synge's version to add some different stories without adding obscene amounts of time, cost, effort, or energy. Thanks for your opinions on it...I think I'll add it in as a read aloud!

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One other question for you, Hunter.  If they can only be found "free" but online only, can we paste the text onto another document and make it into a PDF for your project?  It wouldn't be as pretty, but it would be accessible.  There are so many great books that sites have made "free" but then only accessible through their website online (thanks a lot to them, right?)  They used to be free through every site (Google books, Project Gutenberg, Archive, etc.).

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ezrabean, if you just paste a link, it usually turns into a link. And even if it doesn't, I can copy and paste it into search.


I'd be afraid to copy and paste the books from a website. I think it's legal in this case, but… there are people that don't want to think so and make a BIG stink. And then someone needs to host the file and it usually costs money to host any files that are downloaded a lot. :grouphug: for the thought.


I have faith in this project that when I am moving in the wrong direction, something will stop me. I'm dead in the water right now concerning history, so am STOPPING and waiting.


This is a bad week, just all around and I am EXHAUSTED. But I believe that may be part of the bigger plan. It changes what I'll write for weeks and will write taking in account exhausted mom with tech problems. I think this is all meant to be. I'm confident it will all work out better than what I was planning. What I need will be given to me easy peasy, when the time is right and I am prepared to appreciate it.


Even before things started getting rough, I had decided to streamline some things and go for doable over better. But, I was uncertain about that. I'm dead sure on the streamlined now and more confident about math I recently chose, and may even streamline it a bit more.



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Have you considered van Loon's The Story of Mankind? It's the spine I use with my kids. You can find it on archive.org, gutenberg.org, openlibrary.org, and Google Books.


I had it planned after the Synge books as I think it's more difficult. I was going to pair it with Student's Friend for a 2 year course.



Now, with the hole created by the loss of Synge, EVERYTHING might change, or at least get shifted.

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Hunter, I was knocking around on google books, and it seems that someone is re-publishing the Synge books. When I searched for "M. B. Synge" in google books, the search brought up books with a copyright of 2008 and 2013 that had a limited preview.  Possibly that could be affecting what is available in archive or google.... :confused:


I do think the original older editions are still available on Mainlesson.com....

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Wow, what a great site!


I have lost track of who told me about Student's Friend and all the other great things people have linked me to, but it's an awesome addition to any vintage series/book. Not only for the later chapters, but also for the very early chapters. And all the way through.

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Hunter, I was knocking around on google books, and it seems that someone is re-publishing the Synge books. When I searched for "M. B. Synge" in google books, the search brought up books with a copyright of 2008 and 2013 that had a limited preview.  Possibly that could be affecting what is available in archive or google.... :confused:


I do think the original older editions are still available on Mainlesson.com....


I don't think a republisher can pull PD books out of circulation, unless they are newer abandoned texts. I'm no expert on this stuff, though.


It is odd, though.

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