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My oldest just left for high school today! His first time attending school full time

MIch elle

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That's smart of your school to start mid-week. They have a 3 day week, then a 4 day week next week (I'm assuming they have Labor Day as a holiday) - then they have a 5 day week, their 3rd week of school.


Our local schools started Monday. Makes for a LONG week.


Wishing you and your ds all the best! It sounds like he's done the transition gradually with the band :)

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This is her second week and things are going well. She does very well in new situations, but she did get a nervous stomach and it was touch and go that first week. I think she's going to be okay.


I say this so you might expect some anxiety, even though he wants to be there. I really wasn't expecting it.


Hope things go well for you.:001_smile:



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That makes me think of the first time my children went to school...my oldest was a senior, my daughter a sophomore and my third was in 8th grade....they were each taking a few courses for a semester to try it out....that first day they got up, had breakfast, got ready and got into my son's truck....they drove away, waving and honking as I stood out on the front porch.....sobbing!!!! Later on I had to laugh....I was experiencing what so many moms go through the day their little kindergartner gets on the bus and heads off to school.....except mine were 18, 15 and 13!!!!!!


I still smile when I remember that day!!!!

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He spent the last 5 days trying out with 50+ boys for the freshman soccer team and he was told yesterday that he made the team!


WOOHOO! :party:


You should see the blisters on his feet :w00t: from 2+ hrs/day of running. It's time for new soccer shoes & socks.


Yesterday was new student orientation, and today is Frosh retreat where they will spend the day on a farm working & harvesting food for the homeless. Tomorrow is the first academic school day.


So far it's been great! :thumbup1: Thanks for asking.

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