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Public Domain LA eBooks that also come in Professionally Bound Hardcopies


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What is available for free public domain eBooks that are also available as professionally bound hardcopies from Amazon.com?


English for the Thoughtful Child 1 and 2 from Mary Hyde's Two Book Course and Scott and Southworth's Lessons in English.


Harvey's Elementary Grammar



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Has this workbook become public domain, or it just kind of out there, but not legal for us to download?

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Glencoe is hosting these, and we are not getting to them by a backdoor. It's legal to use these?

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These are Emma Serl's?


The Free and Treadwell readers are put out by Yesterday's Classics, I think, and available free online, except for the teacher's manual which is only available online as far as I know.


Yes, PLL and ILL are by Emma Serl


Thanks for the reminder about Treadwell.

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A Child's Own English Book isn't sold as a professionally edited and bound book is it?



I don't have my Gateway to the Classics subscription anymore, and I didn't even get a chance to download the books I was eligible to download before I canceled. I think maybe this title has been recently released as an eBook? I don't see it for sale at Amazon, though. I just want to make sure I'm not missing anything.

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I just updated these links. These books all have teacher manuals at the end of the student books. There doesn't seem to be keys to exercises, unfortunately, but there is a lot of teaching support. There really are not that many exercises that need a key. The focus is on sentence compositions rather than exercises.


There are great mechanics summaries in these books that include page numbers of the lessons teaching each concept. They can be easily printed out, and used as reference.


There are 150 lessons for each year divided into themed months according to the year.


I can't believe no one has republished this series, yet. It would take so little editing, and just a few exercise keys.

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A Child's Own English Book isn't sold as a professionally edited and bound book is it?



I don't have my Gateway to the Classics subscription anymore, and I didn't even get a chance to download the books I was eligible to download before I canceled. I think maybe this title has been recently released as an eBook? I don't see it for sale at Amazon, though. I just want to make sure I'm not missing anything.


http://www.spencershomeschoolereader.com/146/the-childs-own-english-book/  <-- this looks nice, although looks like a scan, but not badly OCRed


The hard copies look like prints of scans. Not sure about this one but it's pretty pricey



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I've seen some Currclick  and LuLu authors that I think I might try and make contact with, to see if they want to clean up and publish the titles I choose. I don't want to learn how to do this myself. I'd rather focus on doing what I'm good at, and let a mom who is already doing something similar add this to her little home business. I have no desire whatsoever to make a penny from this, but am only too glad to help someone else make some money.


The way my disability is set up, it's just better not to make any money right now. It just makes more paperwork for everyone, and costs the taxpayer more money in the long run, than if I don't make any money. I just had appointments on Friday. An authority figure got a little verbally aggressive with me, and somehow my body picked itself up, and I found myself with my back flattened against the wall, having no idea how I'd gotten there. I was dripping with sweat and shaking with cold at the same time. But, as much as I couldn't control my body, I was laughing to myself that now obviously was not the time to again bring up the subject that I really am well enough to try and get myself off the system and earning money again. :lol: I don't think that authority figure wanted to hear that from me while I was cowering against the wall. PTSD is a really inconsistent and weird disability.


I've got some ideas of how to get the books I like best available in a good enough paperback for an affordable price. And maybe the right mom for the job can make a little cash. 

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Charlotte Mason's grammar was redone by Karen Andreola (sp?) as Simply Grammar, wasn't it -- but I am not sure where her original documents are or what the name is. I found some stuff on the archive but it was handwritten and a bit hard to access. I remember Hunter found it to be a pain. 


She has a geography too but personally I'd go for Home Geography by CC Long; sorry,  I know this isn't the right thread for that.


ETA: The books printed by the Espresso Book Machine should count as professional printings. They seem to run about $10 or less, which is about half the cost of books ordered off Amazon. I think there are places that will print and ship to you. Obviously this involves extra steps, but some people might like it. 


They are on every continent but S. America, Australia, and Antarctica.

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Charlotte Mason's grammar was redone by Karen Andreola (sp?) as Simply Grammar, wasn't it -- but I am not sure where her original documents are or what the name is. I found some stuff on the archive but it was handwritten and a bit hard to access. I remember Hunter found it to be a pain. 


She has a geography too but personally I'd go for Home Geography by CC Long; sorry,  I know this isn't the right thread for that.


ETA: The books printed by the Espresso Book Machine should count as professional printings. They seem to run about $10 or less, which is about half the cost of books ordered off Amazon. I think there are places that will print and ship to you. Obviously this involves extra steps, but some people might like it. 


They are on every continent but S. America, Australia, and Antarctica.


I need to figure out how to use Espresso. Last time I tried to use it for Augsburg Drawing, It was pretty expensive. I think maybe I was doing something wrong. Or maybe I was using something else.


There are a lot of geographies I like better than the CM one. I agree, C.C. Long is MUCH better.


I don't remember being able to access more than a couple pages of the CM grammar last time I tried. I would love to have an original copy of that book!


I know I need to keep revisiting things that I gave up on earlier. New things pop up every day. I think it's 2019 before we get any new public domain books in the USA, but more of what is already PD becomes available every day.


My threads can never be off topic. :) You can write a song, here, if you want, or tell us all what your dog ate and threw up this morning. :lol:

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