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About those undeveloped film rolls from many years ago...

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I've had some that are like 8 years old and such and recently developed them and they've come out and look great. Well, that is, they look great for a novice photographer anyway!


Just wanted to pass this info on, so that if anybody else still has some!



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Unless they've been exposed to extreme temperatures for a long period of time, they usually do turn out well.


When I worked at a photo lab it was always fun to see customers get a first look at photos that had been shot years ago. Often times there were baby pictures of kids who were now grown.


ETA: What sort of treasures did you find?

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Oh, some black and whites from an air show when the kiddos were much younger :( sniff sniff


I also found some that I took when the kids and I went with my mom to visit my grandparents grave. Awesome. Now I'll just have to re-create that trip and do it with digital. We also have pictures of the kiddos seeing my grandparents farm. It's sweet and I'm glad that I finally did it!

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This gives me hope. I have about 10-15 from 3 years ago waiting to be developed. We were going through a really lean time and I didn't want to spend the $$. However, photography is my hobby and I still had to document all those special occasions. I really need to develop some. I have a roll from a year ago when my dd went to Build a Bear with her best friend who has now moved to Africa. The problem is I don't know which one that is in the pile:glare: I hope mine turn out as well!

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I've had some that are like 8 years old and such and recently developed them and they've come out and look great. Well, that is, they look great for a novice photographer anyway!


Just wanted to pass this info on, so that if anybody else still has some!




I have about 8 that need to get developed. I need to get that done.....:auto:

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This gives me hope. I have about 10-15 from 3 years ago waiting to be developed. We were going through a really lean time and I didn't want to spend the $$. However, photography is my hobby and I still had to document all those special occasions. I really need to develop some. I have a roll from a year ago when my dd went to Build a Bear with her best friend who has now moved to Africa. The problem is I don't know which one that is in the pile:glare: I hope mine turn out as well!



You can have the film developed only. When you get the negatives back you can decide which frames are worth printing.

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People tell me this all the time. I have rolls that are 13 years old that I've never developed. One of these days I'll get it together and see what happens when I take them to be developed.


I'm too paranoid to do it, now. I'm certain some of them contain shots from when my toddlers grabbed the camera and did toddler naked shots, KWIM? And I'm paranoid that suddenly the film developers would be calling CPS on me.



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  • 2 months later...

What happened to that mail order place that would send mailers to your house so that you could just drop the rolls in the mail? :confused:


Does anyone remember them or used them? The name escaped me. But this could be a solution to the pile I have going, since in about 9 years they've never made it to the store.

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I once found 2 rolls of film shortly after I got married and in the middle of a move. I had them developed but figured they were nothing. Turns out they were from my senior prom! I wondered why I never had any pictures of it.


My husband and I had a laugh...at my expense, of course.

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