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Are you teaching more than one foreign language? Advise me!

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I own Galore French, First Start, and another one (I can't think of the name) by a Canadian publisher. We didn't look at anything written for high school since my kids were young, so what makes Galore great is that it's the only one we could find for younger audience that actually teaches the language. It had a good balance of grammar, listening, and vocabulary. Yet I still think it isn't adequate as a standalone program, but it is a great spine! We do more work in grammar than the book includes. We also supplement French reading.

There doesn't seem to be a lot of options for French. Maybe high school level programs are better, but I haven't seen anything better than Galore so far. It's comprehensive.

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I agree with you about Duolingo.  It's also tough for a kid who isn't a great typist - Morgan has trouble with it for that reason.  Easy Peasy doesn't have French, unfortunately.

The Duolingo App on touch screens requires less typing and is easier to use. Imo

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  • 4 weeks later...

As mentioned before, duolingo is a great way to get started or just test the water with a new language. I've also been using this great site called Woxikon. There are some fantastic grammar tools on there and the easy access dictionary is great for clarifying word meaning. It's also quite comprehensive and deals with many languages. It's definitely wortrh checking out if you are learning or teaching almost any language.

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How is it going OP?  I am the opposite of your situation.  My kids are learning French for practical reasons, but Spanish is also the dominant 2nd language where we currently live, and they would like to know just some basic conversational Spanish.  Just to be able to chat with the neighbors and to be able to understand what is being said on the soccer field.  I am trying to get a firmer foundation of French down before we start Spanish, but at the same time, Spanish is like a current need.

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We're focusing on Spanish for study right now, and have ramped it up a bit.  I decided that since fluency in spanish is a goal, we will focus on that and solidify it a bit more before adding French (most likely) or German for study.  I have gotten a bunch of French videos from the library and she likes watching them, although it is very hard to find things that are not "too babyish."  I am open to adding another language at some point but want to get a little further in Spanish first.  For many of the reasons that you mentioned - Spanish literacy is almost a necessity around here at this point.

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