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RightStart B - the wall

Seeker of Schole

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In the 1st edition I think the wall is in lesson 60-something (maybe 69?) We're only on lesson 46 (2e) and haven't hit any walls yet, but this was the first lesson where I've had to slow down a bit to make sure it's all sinking in.


I'm not sure how far you are at this point, but the first 20-something lessons were all review, meant for kids who either haven't used A or took a summer break between A and B, just to make sure the concepts are firm enough to continue. Simple yes, but IMO the review is a good thing, if nothing else I think it helps to build confidence for when things get more challenging. (Do take a look at the later lessons in the book though, to see if your DD has actually mastered those concepts already. There's always a chance this is the wrong level for her.)

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We never experienced "the wall" either...I would say, don't psych yourself out!  My DD is not a big fan of math in general and it is not her biggest strength, and she was just fine through some of those places where the double digit addition takes a conceptual leap as long as she was able to use the abacus, and eventually she got to a point where she decided for herself when she was ready to do it without.  DS7 is naturally very good at math, and he flew through those "wall" sections, doing it as easily as anything else in Level B.  Level B does start out quite easily and the pace picks up...but if your DD doesn't slow down in her understanding, don't slow the pace just because other kids needed a slower pace.  I know DS7 is not typical when it comes to math, but he is not as accelerated as some kids I've read about here either.  I have just always gone with his pace of understanding, and that has meant doubling up lessons some days or only doing one or two example problem instead of the many presented in the lesson if he "gets it" the first time.  I can usually tell when he "gets" a concept, and there is no need to do problem after problem if the concept is understood (he doesn't need as much practice or review as a more typical kid like my DD does).  We are supplementing with Beast Academy as well, because it presents things differently and gives DS7 more challenging problem solving opportunities than what RS offers. 

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My oldest hit multiple walls in B. Then she breezed through C and is doing great in D.

My son is sailing through B right now with no walls yet. We are in Lesson 73 or so I think.

It must depend on the child. I have one in A now and we'll see how she does in B.

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