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Who messed with the Oreos??? My trainer is on a week long vacation, so I pulled out a

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bowl, spoon, gallon of whole milk and a bag of Oreos. I filled the bowl, dropped the Oreos in, waited the allotted amount of time, and the cookies were still as hard as my head!


They're supposed to get all nice and mushy. What the heck??? Has it been that long that I've not had one?

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Fill said bowl with said milk. Withdraw adequate number of Oreos, depending on bowl size and submerge in moo-juice. Allow adequate time for Oreos to get soft; in this case, the day after never would be about right. Use jumbo-size soup spoon to fish out the little buggers and enjoy the squishy, soft, chocolaty goodness. Repeat.

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I think they have changed them.


But you know what? Trader Joe's makes some "creme filled cookies", i.e., knock-off Oreos, and they are so, way, super-better than even my fondest memory of Oreos that it isn't even funny. You can't go back to Oreos after you've had the Joe-Joe-whatever-they're-called.


Go. Find a Trader Joe's near you before your trainer gets back. Run!

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I haven't tried the Oreo in the milk thing in quite some time but I remember the nice and mushy. If a cookie does not soften in milk, I don't even want to know what has been added to them!


I'm that way with cereal. I never understood the goal to make them stay crunchy in milk. Why add milk if you want it to stay crunchy?

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