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Need indoor party game ideas ASAP


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Who would have thought that it would be cold and rainy on an August Saturday? Not me. Today is youngest dd's b-day party. I planned outside water activities, none of which will work. I didn't even consider any inside activities because it didn't cross my mind that it wouldn't be hot and sunny.


So, what do I do with a bunch of six year olds not including feeding them? That is already planned. I have some pin the tail type games, but that is it!


This is not fair! All my other dc are winter babies. I was so excited to have a summer baby to have the parties outside! Wah-wah.

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My 6 year old still like games like Ring Around the Rosey, Simon Says, and Musical Chairs.


You could divide them into two teams and have them do a relay type race while balancing a balloon on a spoon, maybe have them start over if they drop the balloon.


Tape two plastic cups on one end of the table as a goal. Sit competing kids at the opposite end, give them a straw, and have them race to see who can blow the most cotton balls into the cup in one minute.

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My favrite at 6:


Use yarn to tie an inflated balloon to each kid's non-dominate foot. On "Go!" try to stomp everyone else's. You're out when yours is popped. No hopping on one foot. Play many rounds and no one's spirit is crushed and it's crazy-fun. Let those who are hesitant watch and they may join later. Have a showdown if it goes well.

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Place a basket or trash can in a corner--by front door is good. Each kid stands behind a line and tries to use his/her foot to flip their loosened shoe into the goal. Keep score if you want, give out random prizes if you have them. Or just laugh at how silly it ends up.

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If you have a big sheet of paper you can draw a scene (like a sunny day) and tape it well in a shower/bathtub enclosure. Let them use squirt guns/bottles/sponge balls to rain on/smear/destroy the scene. I've seen this done to destroy a giant monster drawing.

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Random skill games: Give each child 10 pennies (or cheerios or whatever might fit your theme). Have them stand on a chair with a bowl or jar on the floor. They try to drop the penny in with face straight forward. Let them keep what they capture. Play a bunch of times if they get into it.

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If you have coffee filters, washable markers, and pipe cleaners you can make easy/cute watercolor decorations. Start this first so they can dry.


Color on filters. Spritz/drip with water to smear colors. Let dry (on paper towels is good). Accordian-fold and use pipe cleaners/clothespins/cardboard/paper to make butterflies. Add googly eyes and/or magnets or suction cups if you have them. You can make flowers with just the filters and pipe cleaners.

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My favrite at 6:

Use yarn to tie an inflated balloon to each kid's non-dominate foot. On "Go!" try to stomp everyone else's. You're out when yours is popped. No hopping on one foot. Play many rounds and no one's spirit is crushed and it's crazy-fun. Let those who are hesitant watch and they may join later. Have a showdown if it goes well.

I was going to suggest this, too. It's hilarious. If you don't have balloons, you can also do it with socks. Everyone crawls around on the floor and tries to pull everyone else's socks off. Once both of yours are off, you're out. We used to play it in college and it was a blast!


Dd just finished a summer camp yesterday where they played a game like Murder in the Dark, but with frogs. So, you assign a detective and send that person out of the room. Then you select a frog. All the remaining players are flies. Bring the detective back in and place him/her in the middle of the circle. When the detective isn't looking, the frog sticks his tongue out at a fly (make sure they make eye contact), and that fly dies (lies down). The detective has to figure out who the frog is. If everyone has a turn as detective and frog, you could get some good mileage out of this one.


Hot potato is always a hit with kids this age. Call it whatever you want. We call it Pass the Pumpkin for Halloween parties.

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My favrite at 6:


Use yarn to tie an inflated balloon to each kid's non-dominate foot. On "Go!" try to stomp everyone else's. You're out when yours is popped. No hopping on one foot. Play many rounds and no one's spirit is crushed and it's crazy-fun. Let those who are hesitant watch and they may join later. Have a showdown if it goes well.


This one never gets old.  My teens love this game still.


Another favorite (if you have the indoor room) is blowing up a bunch of balloons and putting them in two tubs at one end.  Divide kids into two teams.  One kid from each team runs to the balloons and has to sit on it to pop it then run back.


Mystery guess the item:  Fill small bowls with different things-grapes, raisins, pasta, and they stick a hand in and try to guess what it is.


Musical Chairs


Freeze dance

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Thanks, ladies! We played the frog game a couple of times and one of the little girls taught us how to play museum - one person is the judge and everyone else is frozen like a statue. If the judge catches you moving, you are out. I wanted to do the balloon game, but we didn't have any and middle dd would not let us use her new socks.


Between the games, our Playmobil village, food, opening presents, and cake, the two hours flew by and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Several of the kids left kicking and screaming.


I am wiped out. Chairs still need to be put away, and the house needs revacuumed, and another load needs to go through the dishwasher, but that will have to wait until tomorrow.

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