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What to do after Life of Fred Pre-algebra?


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I'm not sure if this is the best place to post this, but I'm hoping you can help me figure out what to do next with my intuitive mathematician. I had decided to use Life of Fred Pre-algebra 1 and 2 this year as our spine and to supplement with Dolciani if anything didn't click with LOF. I got LOF PreA with biology out from the library to see how it might go, and my daughter is halfway done with the book in less than 2-weeks. She will probably be done with the first one by the time we officially start our school year. The second book may go slower, but I doubt we can stretch it out even through Christmas let alone spring. I felt she might have been ready for algebra last year, but we spent the year really solidifying basic math because I didn't want to rush her, and several friends advised against algebra before 7th. She's 11 and registered as a sixth grader with the school district for this fall. Around here, I think that algebra is typically taught in 9th though the honors class kids do algebra in 8th, so 6th would only be accelerated by a few years. Would you spend the school year doing another pre-algebra program? Move on to LoF Algebra? Or move to another algebra program assuming she did well on any placement tests? FWIW, I had originally thought we'd try AoPS algebra next year. TIA for any advice!

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I'd go ahead and let her continue with LOF. My DD is doing LOF Advanced Algebra, Geometry, and Chemistry right now "for fun" while doing AOPS Beginning Algebra.


I also wouldn't worry too much about that "before 7th grade" thing. If she needs more time later, you can always go sideways for awhile and add extra topics, or spend more time than needed. There's a big difference between math in a classroom setting and math at home.



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I also wouldn't worry too much about that "before 7th grade" thing. If she needs more time later, you can always go sideways for awhile and add extra topics, or spend more time than needed. There's a big difference between math in a classroom setting and math at home.



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My daughter started LOF Beginning Algebra at the end of 6th grade.  I am also worried about her being too young/moving too quickly.  Over the summer, I added Lial's Algebra I, which has slowed her down (and actually explains things really well).  I'm seriously considering buying the AOPS algebra and geometry books and using them for some more challenge/review during the high school years.



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One thing you might want to do is have her touch base with a traditional looking math test here and there. Many kids get the materials in LoF, but then freeze up when having to perform the problems in a variety of ways. This would allow you to be sure she completely gets the material, and also that she will be able to integrate if another program is used down the road.

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