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Chapter books for my reluctant reader

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Reading is finally clicking for my 9yo, but she is still intimidated by chapter books. However she is finally reading one and enjoying it!! It is the first Boxcar Children book. :) This child will read Calvin and Hobbes for hours on end, but I really want to build up her reading endurance. However, I would really like to stick with reasonably decent quality literature if possible. 


Can I please get some idea for chapter books she might enjoy at this reading level?


thank you!


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HOw aobut Guardians of Ga'Hoole and Warrior Cats??  I don't really know if they are quality books...but son who was pretty intolerant of overly simple easy to read chapter books loved both series. He was also a late reader.


I think it takes finding books of interest to her.

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Thank you!! Some of these are still too much for her- the length of the book can be very overwhelming to her, even though she can decode the words. There are some shorter books which I have put on hold at the library. Great suggestions!


Also, feel free to suggest reasons why my girl is still struggling with reading longer books. She can read Calvin and Hobbes literally for hours, so it is not length of time reading. Vision has checked out ok, too.

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My dd was the same way.  I was trying to move her into chapter books, and she was resistant.  I think some kids just have to be convinced that the books with fewer pictures still can be pretty good.


FWIW, I got her hooked on Junie B. Jones by playing an audio book of it first.  (And you really have to know the sound of Junie's voice.  Otherwise reading her bad grammar will drive you nuts.  But if you have her voice in her head, then you think "Oh, it's just Junie B. being a little kid.)  She still, years later, keeps and loves her Junie B. Jones books.


She also enjoyed the Ready Freddie books by Scholastic.  


These were her gateway books to chapter books.  Plus, I started requiring some for school, but only fun ones like How to Eat Fried Worms and those Sock that Ate my ... books.  And the Ramona the Pest books.  She loved those.

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My reluctant reader loves the Ivy and Bean series, the Critters Club series, and the Heidi Heckelbeck series. (Content warning--Heidi Heckelbeck is a witch and can do magic. Some parents are bothered by that, so I thought I'd mention it.) The actual stories are certainly not high literature, but they keep my daughter reading and laughing. They have slightly larger print, which she likes, short chapters, and black and white pictures every other page or so to keep her from feeling overwhelmed.

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If she doesn't like the longer chapter books, then how about My First Little House books. Not to be confused with the Little House series. I just discovered them and on the hunt to buy them at sales. They are really written well. They are basically big picture books.


She's probably beyond this level, but I thought I'd throw it out there since you wrote she didn't like long chapter books.


:) Good luck.

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