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Writing curriculum for a high schooler who needs additional help

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My son is like that too! 

 I have been doing a lot of research  ( mostly by reading these boards ) and have come up with two ideas that sound good to me.

  Essentials in Writing - DVD teacher who walks them step by step though the process of writing.  

Jensen's Format Writing -  a workbook that has been around for a long time and with good reason it seems.   


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I was looking into Bob Jones University Writing and Grammar.

Has anyone used it before?

Is it a curriculum that I need to have another language book with or will it stand alone?


Still looking and would love all the suggestions I could get. I have 5 days before I have

to have everything ordered.


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The Lively Art of Writing helped my kids think through what to write about topics.  We read through parts of the book together.  It is a bit dated in examples but still good concepts imo.


Available used on amazon for very little.  


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My son has a hard time coming up with what to write about and then an even harder time writing about what

he has chosen as his subject. I am looking for something that might help him through that thinking process.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Thank you!


Have you used IEW? I think it's really works for just this type of writer. In my experience, your son won't really have to come up with his own topics for college or even most of professional writing.  A topic is provided (a literature prompt or an essay question for example)(or a topic that needs addressing in the workplace). So unless he has to write for a living and needs to generate writing topics, I would concentrate on fleshing out a good essay/response/research paper on a given topic. 



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I thought I posted earlier but I guess it didn't go through.  Anyway, Lost Tools of Writing is perfect for helping a student learn how to think to write.  That is one of the strengths of the program so it could be perfect for your son. 


I wholeheartedly agree. I have been teaching The Lost Tools of Writing curriculum in my online tutorials and students have really loved the approach. It is especially helpful for students who are always complaining about not knowing what to write, because it provides students with the tools for coming up with ideas and organizing them. Rather than throwing a topic at students and asking them to come up with something, it provides systematic categories for thinking through any particular topic before writing. 


I am teaching Lost Tools of Writing again this coming school year. I'd be happy to give anyone more information if they are interested! My website: www.coramdeotutorials.com

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I have looked over Lost Tools of Writing as a few people have suggested.


Is this a curriculum that requires all the books?

I noticed it comes with a teacher's manual.

Will I need that?

I can afford the workbook but to pay $157.00 for the whole set would be out of

what I could afford.


Hi Christina,


I had the same question when I first discovered the curriculum. I own the entire set, and unfortunately, the student workbook alone would not be very useful if one were trying to go through the  curriculum alone. It is a very full collection of student worksheets, outlines, and templates for completing the lessons, but it does not come with actual lessons, instructions, or examples (which I find most important). You might be able to get away with purchasing the workbook and the teacher's manual, or the workbook and the DVDs, which would cost you a bit less than the entire set. 


Hope that helps!

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Agreeing with the pp, this first stage of writing, identifying a topic and thinking about what to say, is exactly the strength of the Lost Tools of Writing.  LToW teaches a student how to look at a topic from different angles to generate a thesis and and then come up with supporting points for that thesis.


Personally, I think coming up with a topic and then a good thesis and then solid supporting points is the most important part of writing. Unfortunately, most students don't spend enough time in this thinking, pre-writing phase, and try to jump directly to writing something-ANYthing- down on paper.  I've been trying to show my children that it is so much easier to write when you spend the time upfront thinking about your topic, turning it around and looking at it from different angles, and seeing where your strongest supporting points are. LToW does this.

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