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I opened myself up for attack

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I have several friends who had abortions, some more than one, when they are younger, and they are all extremely anti-abortion. I think because they understand the pain and guilt it causes, and want to spare other women the same pain. I don't see how that is being hypocritical in the least. Anyone who has been nasty to you about it has their own issues. I am so sorry you have been treated this way.

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As some of you know, I have stated in past threads that I have had abortions. Evidently, some people think that takes away my "right" to to be anti-abortion, or try to stop them in any way. I've been told that I will have to "justify" those 2 abortions before God and I've been called a sanctimonious twit.


I regret many foolish decisions I made as a teenager, abortion is only one of them, yet it has affected me in a deeply and in ways that I do not care to share with others.


I'm a big girl, but I do think it's a shame that we can't be open with each other and not be attacked.


Hmmm. Wonder if the person who told you this thinks that people who used to drive while intoxicated have any "right" to be against drunk driving. Or if someone who ever stole anything has the "right" to be against robbery. Or if someone who did drugs as a teenager has a "right" to be against drug dealing. Seems like some common sense is absent there somewhere.


Oops. I forgot. Self-righteousness covers a multitude of common sense.

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My soul.... ((((Laura)))) What a bunch of idiots. You have every right to be anti-abortion -- you know first-hand the pain, regret, and suffering that go with it. Sanctimonious? I don't think so.


Good grief....this is enough to make me want to go away and not come back.



I feel this way, too.

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As some of you know, I have stated in past threads that I have had abortions. Evidently, some people think that takes away my "right" to to be anti-abortion, or try to stop them in any way. I've been told that I will have to "justify" those 2 abortions before God and I've been called a sanctimonious twit.


I regret many foolish decisions I made as a teenager, abortion is only one of them, yet it has affected me in a deeply and in ways that I do not care to share with others.


I'm a big girl, but I do think it's a shame that we can't be open with each other and not be attacked.


True. Your experience does not have be justified.

And if you want to take what you have learned from it and help others who should be keeping their babies....feel free to assist them personally in the matter. They will appreciate it.


BUT DO NOT try to legislate over the rest of the world the political censorship of other womyn to have that option. If it is a mistake for them or if it is not a mistake for them.....IT IS their CHOICE to choose it.


I don't recall your being told to justify your life choices at all. Just questioning those voting republican and calling it "a pro life vote." (Those who want to outlaw abortion but vote republican party for president - because aparantly John McCain isn't according to the original poster of that thread...)

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BUT DO NOT try to legislate over the rest of the world the political censorship of other womyn to have that option. If it is a mistake for them or if it is not a mistake for them.....IT IS their CHOICE to choose it.



I obviously disagree. I believe abortion is murder. You do not.

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You ladies have been such an encouragement to me and I am so very thankful for all of the kind words. I am humbled by all of the loving words and prayers said for me. God is so good, so gracious, so kind. You have been a reflection of His love for me.


As I am adjusting to a new culture and country I am continually reminded of how blessed I am. I may not have a lot of "physically present" friends, but it is a comfort to know that I am accepted here. I come to this board for information, laughter, and fellowship.


You ladies rock! :)

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