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Math Problem Help


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Here is a math problem from a post test for AoPS Prealgebra (http://www.artofproblemsolving.com/Store/products/prealgebra/posttest.pdf):

"A northbound train from Miami to Jacksonville made the 324-mile journey at an average
speed of 50 miles per hour. On its southbound return trip, it made the journey at an average
speed of 40 miles per hour. To the nearest tenth of a mile per hour, what was the train’s
average speed for the 648-mile roundtrip journey?"
The answer given is 44.4 miles per hour.
Why is the average speed not 45 mph?  Since the journey is the same distance in both directions, why wouldn't a weighted average computation work?
X = .5(50) + .5(40)
x = 25 + 20
x = 45 mph
What am I missing?
ETA - The computation should be weighted by time and not distance.
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For Average Speed problems, you need to divide the Total Distance by the Total Time.


So first, use d = r x t to figure out how long each leg of the trip took.  Add those together, and then divide 648 by your total time.


For the WHY ......... it's because the train spends more time going 40 mph, so you have to take the time into account.



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Thank you for the replies.  While the computation makes sense, I was wondering conceptually why the math didn't work.  As many of have pointed out, it's because the speed should be weighted by time and not distance.  


Since the train spent 44% of the trip going 50 mph and 56% of the trip going 40 mph, the weighted average computation should look like this:


X = .44(50) + .56(40)
x = 22.2 + 22.2
x = 44.4 mph
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