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Going back to work part time, looking for math for mathy third grader


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So, I cringe asking this because I've never particularly sought out independent materials, but I need a math program that my 3rd grader can do semi-independently.  I've gone back to work out of financial necessity, and I'll be working three days a week (20 hours a week). I need a math program that WILL get done. My son is mathy but doesn't really love math. We've done MM and CLE with him in the past, and he doesn't care much for either--too much repetition. My older children needed a spiral approach; he probably doesn't. He thinks conceptually, and can do a lot of math intuitively in his head. He's working at about a 4th grade level. 


Did I mention cost is a factor? I've had to go back to work to contribute financially, so I'm really hoping to avoid something too costly, but I am willing to spend what it takes. Thanks for any ideas!

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A third grader needs math instruction.  This is not a subject a kid can learn on their own.


Well, to be fair, I didn't say he needed to learn it on his own or that he wouldn't receive instruction. I'm needing something that he can do semi-independently on the days I won't be there (3 days a week). I will be teaching 2-3 days a week, but I need something that will be accessible on the days I'm working, because I want to make sure he will be doing math consistently.   :)


Thank you, Gil, for your suggestion to continue MM. I may just do that, but eliminate some of the repetition. 



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Hey Shannon!  If the problem with MM was just the repetition or too many problems to do then I second the suggestion to try to continue using it before spending more money on something else.  We do evens\odds or sometimes just 1 or 2 problems of a section if I know that my dc have gotten a concept.  Or, maybe you could just use a supplemental resource on the days you have to work.  Something like an inexpensive grade level word problem book. geometry book,  or even setting up some lessons on Khan Academy. 

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Everyday that you are gone, there should be 5-15 minutes of fact review. How they are reviewed doesn't matter--Youtube playlist, website like xtramath (so you can track his progress), leave a worksheet to be filled out. Every day there should be math fact review going on.

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I work part time. I afterschooled 3rd, but I homeschooled 4th. We do Singapore Primary. The only tricky thing is to make sure you have taught the lesson and then the pages you assign on the days you work are ones that follow that lesson. You can also save the review sections (between the text and the workbook you should have maybe 5-6 dense pages of review?) and assign those on the days you work. I would add a word problem or two for those days, corresponding to the section he completes. This has worked out well for us and I am not a very excellent planner frankly.


Edited to add: I see you use Math Mammoth. I have recently used these materials for decimals, fractions, etc. I think they lend themselves very nicely to teaching the lesson, doing a couple of problems, and then assigning rest on the days you are not there.

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We do MM independently (fewer problems when appropriate) and work on Beast Academy and Zaccaro's problem solving books together. Or not together but with me or DH nearby to listen to them talk through the steps of the more challenging problems.

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Will whoever is caring for the kids while you work help if he gets stuck?


Also if you are working 3 days you could do a maths lesson the other four days and just a review the days you are not there. Ds7 likes the MEP interactive site (and it is free) but I am not sure I would let him do it without supervision.

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Guest Jpaivanas

What about Teaching Textbooks? It's online and it looks pretty good. I'm going to use it for the first time this year and I have a soon to be 4th and 7th grader.

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You may want to look at ALEKS math. I haven't used it, but I think it can be done at least partially independently. I have a friend who is working on her PhD in math education who used it for her children and they were elementary age the last time we talked about it.

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Will whoever is caring for the kids while you work help if he gets stuck?


Also if you are working 3 days you could do a maths lesson the other four days and just a review the days you are not there. Ds7 likes the MEP interactive site (and it is free) but I am not sure I would let him do it without supervision.


Yes, two days a week he'll be at home with my teenagers, who can help him if needed. The third day he will be with my parents, who can also help.


Thanks for all the ideas!  I negotiated a work schedule with a later starting time, so I should have about an hour to spend with him in the mornings before leaving. I think I'll divide that time between math and language arts. I also found some math mammoth videos on youtube that look good. He can work on the MM "homework" during the day, and we can meet when I get home if he has questions. I also have one of Zaccaro's books that I think we'll spend more time with on one of my days off.


The point about review work is a good one, too.  Thanks, everyone!

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How about Beast Academy?  My 7 yr old does it fairly independently.  He reads the guide on his own and we discuss key points.  He works on the worksheets on his own and when he needs help, I help him work through it.  


Otherwise, I like what an above poster suggested with Singapore.  Teach the new material when you're home, and then give him spiral review on the days you're not home.  

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