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Astronomy for 1st grader?


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We are still narrowing down our science for the year, and my daughter has let me know she is not a fan of Sassafras Zoology (we are going to do Anatomy for the first semester- THAT she is excited about.) I'm trying to figure out what we will be doing after we finish Anatomy, and she told me she would like to do Astronomy. I was hoping to get some recommendations. We prefer secular, but open if it's a good program for a 1st grader.


Thanks for any thoughts!

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I haven't used it but you might want to take a look at this.


K-2 Earth and Space: Astronomy | Intellego Unit Studies - Core Curriculum and Independent Study : http://www.intellegounitstudies.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=16

We used this and enjoyed it, although definitely supplemented with loads of library books. The problem is is not enough really for a whole semester. You could stretch it like we did, but Intellego has a nice earth science unit that we used concurrently as a nice tie-in.



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Thanks for the suggestions. I haven't heard of Intellego. I am trying to find samples on their website, but I haven't been able to find any. Considering it is a unit study, do you do it everyday? How does it flow with you other subjects?


Whitehawk- I briefly looked at that, but was thinking it was a year long course so didn't look into it further since we are looking for something shorter. I like the studies of the Earth and solar system, but do not want to do weather (we did that this past year, and honestly I am weathered out!), although I guess we could always skip that portion?

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Whitehawk- I briefly looked at that, but was thinking it was a year long course so didn't look into it further since we are looking for something shorter. I like the studies of the Earth and solar system, but do not want to do weather (we did that this past year, and honestly I am weathered out!), although I guess we could always skip that portion?


Units 1-8 are weather, 9-21 are rocks & related topics, 21-33 are the solar system, and 34-36 are other space topics. Each is meant to be a week. You could just start at #21 and have a semester's worth of activities.

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We are using Intelligo right now as a guide or intro into content, for my sons 7, and 8 and it's pretty good. My boys want to go deeper so we've added the Nat Geog Kids Space Encyclopedia, DK's 1 Million things about Space, and a box full of Seymour Simon content readers, and other ones (all from the library which I love so I don't spend more money), and use my night atlas. The photos are so engaging I wish every subject was this easy.


We have a few other very large reference books that I pull from here and there. (Again, library). Then we do a notebook page, and illustrate the topic.

Since this isn't a hard push we do it 4 times a week. I have topics planned for the next 4 months, but any time schedule can be created with Intelligo. We are adding more topics than they cover, but only because we want to.


It's been awhile but I'm sure I can send you a few pages as a sample if you want to see the unit study. Just let me know.

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Several months ago I downloaded a PDF from Currclick.com that was Elemental Science Lapbooking through the Solar System. It was free then, but it's now $4.50. It looks good, but I can't critique it because we never ended up using it. I discovered my boys didn't like Lapbooking, so we never got to it! It is rated for your daughter's age though. It is broken down into 11 weekly lessons.

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We did astronomy last year. The kids loved it! We went to a planetarium, a meeting of a local astronomy club (to get access to telescopes), and did some stargazing. 


These were good books:

Usborne Book of Astronomy and Space

Janice VanCleave's Astronomy for Every Kid (some of the experiments/demonstrations are too advanced for 1st grade)


These were our favorites:

Find the Constellations by H.A. Rey (Yes, the author of Curious George! His original astronomy book is aimed at slightly older kids. Also adorable, it's called The Stars).

Basher Astronomy 

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This was our second year using similar materials. My DD has greatly enjoyed it all. There are a lot more activities in the Investigating Science book that we didn't do. Space was our final unit this past year. I was researching chemistry for next year when I discovered the Thames & Kosmos Space Exploration kit. I was itching to try one of their kits, so I bought it and ended up using it a lot to get my money's worth out of it. Unless you can get a really great deal on it, I'm not sure I would recommend the kit. A lot of the activities in it are very similar to ones in the two books.


This is awesome. I think I am going to go this direction with this! My daughter was looking at your blog with me, and got really excited about it :)


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This was our second year using similar materials. My DD has greatly enjoyed it all. There are a lot more activities in the Investigating Science book that we didn't do. Space was our final unit this past year. I was researching chemistry for next year when I discovered the Thames & Kosmos Space Exploration kit. I was itching to try one of their kits, so I bought it and ended up using it a lot to get my money's worth out of it. Unless you can get a really great deal on it, I'm not sure I would recommend the kit. A lot of the activities in it are very similar to ones in the two books.


It looks like the books have a lot of activities in them. I think that, along with lots of books and videos (and my daughter has been begging to go to the observatory) should be good for a 1st grader. 

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