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help with sleep cycle


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I needs some help with my messed up sleep cycle. I'm back to not getting a full night of sleep and I'm tired of living my life feeling like I'm in a sleep deprived stupor.


I don't usually have too much trouble getting to sleep, unless I've taken too long a nap. My newest issue is that I'm waking up far too early. I took a nap yesterday and went to sleep around 11.30 last night, but I still woke up about 5.15. I finally gave up trying to get back to sleep at 5.45. I wouldn't mind the early hour as I do enjoy this quiet time to myself, but I just feel lethargic and half asleep all day. It's been like this for about 2 weeks.


Each night I take 500 mg of magnesium and that has helped me get to sleep and with my restless leg. I have found that I don't wake up in the middle of the night like I used to. I also take a natural sleep aid on occasion..it has valerian and passion flower.


caffeine doesn't seem to help me. I feel jittery, but still mentally foggy and sleepy.



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Vitamin d?


If you live north of Atlanta, you're probably deficient. If you live south of Atlanta, but don't get sun, you're still probably deficient.


Are you eating well? Is your room cool and dark? Do you shut off screens at least 2 hours prior to bed? Dim the lights before bed? Read? Take a relaxing shower or bath?

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Something that helps me is reading before I sleep, in low light conditions. I read about blue light being a problem, so I used a lot of red paper and-such to change the light profile of my bedroom.


Also, I listen to audio books (ones that I like, but not ones that are new to me or overly exciting) when I wake in the night or too-early morning. I tell myself that lying stll and feeling alert while I listen is about 80% sleep, so if I'm not going to actually sleep, I should at least do that to help myself get some rest.


Try wearing an eye mask, even if its dark enough. They encourage the eyes to stay closed, not keep popping open.


Hylands "calms forte" seems effective for me when I feel restless.

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I put a response earlier, but it's not here.


I need to do regular heavy exercise (sweating, elevated heart rate, minimum. 60 minutes at least 4 days/week) or my sleep pattern becomes insomnia and anxiety.


My neighbor doesn't need the intense workout I do, but she does maintain a routine in part to keep a regular sleep cycle. She walks 3 miles several days a week.


Sounds crazy, but to maintain this routine I have to lose sleep. I have to get up at 5am.

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I read before going to bed.  I have screens off - but not 2full hours before.   I've never done that (if we're including TV screens).  I usually take a warm bath before going to bed and read in the tub, then read in bed.   But, like I said, it's not getting to sleep that is my problem...it's sleeping a full 7-8hrs, which is ideal for me.  I know part is because the sun comes up earlier.  When winter comes I will have less an issue.  I have room darkening curtains, however we also have a semi-circle window above the reg. windows.  It has some kind of sheer covering that came with the house.  It lets in light.  I usually have something over my eyes (although not a mask as the feeling bothers me all night long). 


I had my Vit. D checked around Easter and I was fine.  I'm probably getting more now that it's sunnier than it was in April.  I was also told to go off my B Complex as my B was high at that time.


graceteacher - it depends.   Usually the sleep issue comes first and then I start needing a nap to function..  Two weeks ago I was doing so well.  Sleeping through the night and staying asleep until 6:30-7am (Have my grandson 3xper week and have to get up at 6:20 on those days). 

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It's the morning light waking you? This is a summer problem, and as the mornings get darker you'll wake rested?

In that case, I'd look for really good sleeping masks and/or figure out if there is any way to manage that window better. Alternatively, can you get to sleep early enough (9ish? 10?) that 5 am is enough sleep?


The best way for most people to work on sleep phase issues is with melatonin, but this doesn't really sound like sleep phase type disorder to me.


If it might be restless leg still waking you (this can/does happen, and you may not be aware, though it isn't usually early morning), staying asleep is a consistent problem, and/or if you have consistent problems with feeling unrested even with adequate sleep, I'd strongly consider a sleep study. You may need more help with the RL, and there might be another issue, like sleep apnea.

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