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Youngest has decided to do summer school

Lizzie in Ma

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What will she think of next?

She wanted me to finish her syllabi for 8th grade and get everything ready for tomorrow.  And she wanted cello lessons too, so I found a student teacher for her today as well.  All I had left to do, fortunately was order tests for science.  This kid loves tests.  She seems to crave the feedback.

Good thing I had finished planning it all out already!

She has also assigned herself a workout schedule, a reading schedule, cello and guitar practice too.


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Mine wouldn't go to that extent, but at least she is determined to finish this year's work by the end of the month.  She had gotten behind in a couple of subjects, so she rewrote her entire schedule in order to finish on time.  Since she is starting high school in the coming year, she has a plan to take at least one extra class per year, and possibly one each summer, in order to lighten her load in her junior and senior year to make time for driver's ed and part-time intensive French classes.


I just hope she can keep this motivation up all the way through :)

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My 12yo is kind of like that. Even though we are on summer break, she is still setting her alarm for 7:15 a.m., reading her Bible, making her bed, and doing a math lesson before breakfast.


She inspires me. :001_smile:


My 5yo has been begging for phonics lessons and math flashcards ever since we ended our school year a couple of weeks ago. I told her Mommy needs a little break; we'll start back up in July!

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I was like that!  At the end of 5th grade my teacher was cleaning out his classroom and offered to let me dig through a pile of books he was discarding.  I grabbed several things, including a math workbook and answer key with lots of extra fraction and angle problems.  I assigned myself a math lesson first thing every morning for the whole summer :lol: .  Never mind that I had aced those topics all year--I wanted more math!  If I had known about home school curriculum I would totally have spent my own money on some new materials!

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My youngest was begging for more school over the summer. I had to tell him that I needed the break from planning and he has to wait until August. He has pleaded and begged, but unfortunately for him, I am just not willing to do anything more then the simple activities that I already had planned out for the summer.

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