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Anyone have any pre-surgery suggestions? Wash with the staph soap, etc?


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I've had two surgeries in the past 5 years and dd had a knee repair in an out-patient facility. In all cases, the pre-op instructions were pretty through. I think if there is anything your doctor wants you to do, they will let you know when they do the pre-admit. I know there was some suggestion about avoiding certain medications that can causes excess bleeding, etc.  


But, I think, as far as actual surgery prep, they will give you specifics.    Best of luck with your procedure. I hope you have a great outcome and easy recovery.

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The written pre-surgery instructions they will give you are very thorough regarding what meds, supplements you should not take, etc... the pre- surgical shower. If you have to do a colon prep, then you will get details on what to take, and when.


Good luck with your surgery! :)

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I've had a few surgeries lately. Yes, wash with staph soap if possible.


I've found anesthetic and pain meds makes me constipated...prep your body by eating high fiber foods a few days before surgery. I think it helps. Then lots of fluids after surgery. Doing some deep breathing and yoga before you get to the surgery center helps, too.


Best of luck!

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I've had a few surgeries lately. Yes, wash with staph soap if possible.


I've found anesthetic and pain meds makes me constipated...prep your body by eating high fiber foods a few days before surgery. I think it helps. Then lots of fluids after surgery. Doing some deep breathing and yoga before you get to the surgery center helps, too.


Best of luck!


High fiber foods beforehand, great idea!

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No need to do anything special other than follow the instructions given to you by the surgery center. I have worked recovery room for the last 8 years, part of the job was I have to call patients and get their health history/give them pre-op instructions. One of those was "NO eating/drinking after midnight before surgery". So one guy who was looking at a 8-10hr surgery, decided he should run thru McDonalds on his way to the hospital cuz it would be a long time before he would be able to eat. Yeah, he had to be rescheduled. And FYI, no eating/drinking usually will include hard candies. Had plenty of people get postponed cuz they sucked on lifesavers.

So good luck and get well soon!

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I had to wash with hibiclens the night before and morning of my surgery.


We always, always do this.  All over.


Ask if they do a preventive IV drip of antibiotics.  Most do now, but it worth reminding/asking about.  One family member has to do that plus more antibiotics via mouth because of multiple surgical infections.

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