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Those of you who have used TT math 7 and TT pre-algebra...please help I have a dilemma..

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My dd will not finish TT Math 7 before the end of the year.  In fact, she will only get through Chapter 14 before we finish.  Should I make her finish it, come fall,  before moving to her  Pre-Algebra or do you think she could go right into Pre-Algebra?  Is there enough review that she would catch the concepts she didn't do in Math 7?   Opinions ??   She has done well with Math 7 , she usually scores in the 90's on her lessons.  



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I would love to do that, but since we live in Michigan and only have a precious few warm months, we are camping, vacationing, going to camp, VBS, and various other activities.  It just wouldn't get done over the summer.  I really wish we could do it over the summer, but neither dd or dh would be okay with that.    So I either make her work harder in the fall or skip the remainder of 7 and go on to pre-algebra just wondering if there is enough review in pre-algebra to cover the concepts she missed in TT 7?



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Thank you everyone for your input.  I will figure a way for her to finish math 7 before moving into pre-algebra probably by working the last lessons in math 7 and moving quicker through the review at the beginning of  pre-algebra.   Thanks again for your help.



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We had the same issue last year going from TT Pre-Algebra to Algebra 1. I decided to finish Pre-Algebra first, and I am SO glad I did because my student got a bit bogged down in Algebra 1 and we had to move much slower. We only got through chapter 11 in Algebra 1 this year before the end of this school year. I don't have the option of working over the summer because my student is my friend's child, so we will pick up where we left off when we start back to school in August.

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Just offering up another view.  Dd13 was in TT7 this year.  After a difficult year life wise we just needed to be done with math.  I took the book to my friend who is an Algebra I teacher in the middle school and asked her this very question.  Can I skip the end of the book and be ok next year.  After checking the concepts at the end of TT7, she said I could.  She said to make sure going into pre-algebra that dd had her fractions, percents, and decimals down solid but that the pre-alg in the back of the TT7 book she would catch next year in TT Pre Alg book.  We stopped after Chapter 14, though dd did a couple lessons out of Chapt 15 and 16 in prep for standardized testing.  She is going to review fractions over the summer just to solidify the concepts before pre-alg.


YMMV but I for one am ok with this every once in a while.  We as homeschoolers sometimes get so caught up in doing it all and finishing it all that we sometimes need to let go and relax.  Dd and I will be more fresh come the beginning of next year just knowing that we took a break and have nothing hanging over our heads for the beginning of the year.  

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