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I bought the first level, pre-algebra, for ds because it was recommended by Rightstart as a similar program for students who've learned well using RS methods. I did not find that to be true. RS makes it easy for the teacher to determine the amount and frequency of drill. VT has no drill or review, or, very little, and no clear method to build it into the program. So predictably I found ds learned the material but forgot 75% of it be the time the unit test came around. I tried reteaching, but in the end I found it easier to switch programs. Ds liked the videos and they way the material was presented.

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Thank you for asking this question- I came here looking for some feedback on Videotext as well. A local friend highly recommended it to me and successfully used it with 4 of her kids. But, I'm concerned it won't be enough. 


Does she still have it? Can you borrow it for a bit?

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My daughter is using this program right now. She is in module C and really enjoying it. She has had great retention so far with this program. I do want to state though that before she did this program, we used Systematic Mathematics Math Rescue. I am not sure if the reason she is understanding it so well is due to Systematic Mathematics or if it is just Videotext. I used Systematic Mathematics because although, I loved Teaching Textbooks, I ended up testing her to see if she was doing well with Teaching Textbooks. We had done up to grade 7 on TT but after testing her, she tested 6 grade level overall. So then we used Math Rescue and moved right into Videotext after that. I haven't officially tested her to see her level yet but I have given her random quizzes with material she has covered in the beginning of Videotext and she has been able to pass them all so far. She will be doing an official test in the next couple months to give me a better idea on her progress. I would just try the first Module like you originally planned and see how it goes. Everyone is different so best to try it out. 

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We really love Video Text!  We found it to be totally worth the money because it really helps you understand the "why" behind it all.  In fact, my mathy 8th grader loved it so much he finished the whole thing in 1 year and plans to move on to Video Text Geometry next year.  I have not found retention to be a problem at all.  He really knows his algebra well.  Now that he's finished the Video Text program he's going through The Critical Thining Company's book of Algebra Word Problems over the summer and he's doing well with that too.

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I'll also add that even though my child did not retain, that is a problem he has had with other math programs. I bought my VT package used and resold it for about the same amount of money so it's a program that holds its value if you are concerned about losing your investment.

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We had great success with VT.  I used it with my oldest two, and I did it with them every day.  They would then do the odd number questions, and if they missed more than one or seemed to not have a clear understanding, we then did the even numbers.   We often did questions together and I made sure they understood every single question before moving on to the next lesson.  We did this with the quizzes as well.  We were very slow and methodical about the program, and took three years to go through the entire program.   It really set them up with a very solid understanding of Algebra, and math in general. 


Some people try and zip through the program in a year, and I don't know how they do that and retain everything.


By the time my younger kids were ready for Algebra, our family circumstances had changed and I needed them to have an Algebra program that could be done more independently.  We went with Teaching Textbooks, which I didn't feel was as thorough.  But also, I was not as involved and perhaps that was the biggest problem.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have not used this yet but it is on my purchasing list for the fall and here's why. I have a friend with a Master's in math. When I asked why she recommended VideoText she said that over the past decade of tutoring college kids through math she saw the same issues popping up again and again. She said these issues were things the professor wasn't explaining and the students were able to think through. She finally hit on a way to explain these common trouble spots that have that ah-ha moment. She stood for quite some time at a homeschool conference and talked with the author of VideoText about these continual teaching breakdowns and she said every single one of them was addressed in VideoText. She was highly impressed with that.

She also said that VideoText teaches math as a language and anyone who is really proficient in math treats it like it's own language.

One thing to know about buying used is that the errata for Algebra is no longer available on their site. But otherwise it is a company that doesn't price gouge because you purchased used.

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  • 3 months later...

We tried VT in 7th grade after Singapore 6B and it was a complete bust. I kept it and one year later tried it during 8th grade. It's been a complete success. I really believe age had everything to do with our later success. Basic math skills are much more solid after a course in Pre-Algebra; and, VT Unit 1, which was so difficult one year ago, is now very simple. Also, review hasn't been problematic because, just as most Algebra texts have little review, dd is older now and the skills are just building on themselves and thus being continually reused/reviewed. This lack of systematic review would have been a problem in 7th grade.


I'm guessing that if we took a poll, the majority of kids successful with VT are either extremely high achieving younger middle school aged kids or more average to above average upper middle school/early high school aged kids. :)



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  • 1 month later...

I'm guessing that if we took a poll, the majority of kids successful with VT are either extremely high achieving younger middle school aged kids or more average to above average upper middle school/early high school aged kids. :)



:iagree:VT Algebra has also been a hit this year thus far. I'm so glad we took this route!

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