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English Lessons through Literature Level 4 is at Lulu!


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Just FYI.


I don't get a commission or anything, I was just excited to hear the news and thought someone else might be, too. :)


The first link is for the hardcopy.



The second link is for the pdf



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Level 5 will be coming out later in 2014, I think she is hoping to get it out by fall. I know there will be at least 6 levels. I'm not sure if it will end at level 6 or not.




The author had posted this recently in the Yahoo Group (and said we can share):


Levels 4 and 5 cover both grammar and writing, just as the earlier levels do. However, where the early levels cover writing solely through narration, Levels 4 and up have an emphasis on more progymnasmata style projects as well as descriptive writing through imitation and beginning literary analysis.
Level 4 is for 4th grade and up, and Level 5 is for 5th grade and up. The "and up" is an important distinction! I wouldn't hesitate to use either of these levels with older children who need to cover the basics of grammar and writing.
Levels 4 and 5 have the same types of writing projects, but with new stories for each level. These are condensed, amplified, point of view, and slant narratives, plus scientific and historical narrations. The scientific and historical narrations are intended to be preparation for writing reports. They read the science story, then write about just the science topic discussed, leaving any other elements of the story out. In Level 4, they write about a historical topic, and in Level 5, they argue an opinion about the historical topic. For the historical and scientific narrations, both levels mention the option of checking other sources before writing; I left that up to the student and the teacher. Level 4 teaches the one-level outline, Level 5 reviews the one-level outline and also teaches the two-level outline. Level 5 covers introductions and conclusions.
Regarding grammar, Level 5 is a little more advanced, and the pacing is also a little faster. I would personally choose Level 4 for a child who has had little to no formal grammar instruction, and Level 5 for a child who has the basics down and is ready to move on to more advanced grammar. Level 4 teaches indirect objects and diagramming prepositional phrases, identifying the parts of the verb, and determining whether a group of words is a phrase or a clause. Level 5 repeats that and also teaches types of clauses, sentence structures, diagramming complex and compound sentences, and more advanced punctuation.
My plan for Level 6 is for it to repeat the more advanced grammar from Level 5, then move on to still more advanced stuff. I'm still in the planning stages. At this point, I'm not sure if there will be 7 or 8 levels total. The last level, whatever number it wears, will be a review and practice level. It will not have any lessons in it, and probably no poetry or stories. Instead, it will cover about six books which can be done in any order. After the student reads each chapter, he will have a few sentences to diagram to keep his skills sharp. One or two books per year will get them through high school without forgetting everything they learned about grammar before they got there.


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