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Shoe question for runners (or maybe anyone)


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I don't know if anyone will even know this. I bought a new pair of running shoes. My previous shoes have always been regular width, I've never worn a wide shoe. The last pair I wore out in the pinky toe area and I am heavier, so the guy at the running store recommended I get wide shoes. The regular width never bothered me, but I figured the toe holes could be an indication that I need wider shoes. (Or an issue of the shoes just being old.) Of course, none of the local running shoe stores have anything in my size in wide width, so I just bought my normal size in wide width online. They came today. They feel reallllllyyyy roomy in the toe box. I don't know if my feet are just used to feeling snug as a bug in a rug in the normal width and if they will adjust to (and even welcome) the wider width, or is the wide width going to end up bugging me? Anyone have experience with this?

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Does the rest of the shoe fit ok?  I would be concerned that the heel would be too loose.  I would not worry about room in the toe box, but I would worry if the rest of the shoe didn't feel secure.


I normally wear a size 8, but in running sneakers I wear an 8 1/2.  Did you try going up a half size?  That can help, as well as trying different brands of shoes.  Each one fits differently.

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Does the rest of the shoe fit ok?  I would be concerned that the heel would be too loose.  I would not worry about room in the toe box, but I would worry if the rest of the shoe didn't feel secure.


I normally wear a size 8, but in running sneakers I wear an 8 1/2.  Did you try going up a half size?  That can help, as well as trying different brands of shoes.  Each one fits differently.


Okay, that's good to hear. No, the heel and rest of the shoe is fine. It's a stability shoe, so I think the area right on the inside of the foot is a bit snug/firm to begin with. (?) I don't feel like I'm falling out of it at all. I had another store fit me when I first got shoes and I think they did a great job in the sizing. I am normally an 8 but I wear 8 1/2 in my sneakers, as well. (I was so irritated when I went to another running store the other day and a guy brought out a 9 and tried to trick me, but I understand most people go in there trying to squeeze into a smaller size, but still...I caught it as soon as I put the wrong size on :p )

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If the heel feels good and doesn't slide you are probably ok. Brooks shoes have a wider toe box and that sounds like what you need. Try to buy your shoes from a store that will let you return them even after wearing. REI allows this as do many running specialty shops. Your toes should not be touching the end of the shoes at all, even when running. My size in running shoes has run from a 8.5-9.5. It just depends on the brand. Brooks IMO run small.

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If the heel feels good and doesn't slide you are probably ok. Brooks shoes have a wider toe box and that sounds like what you need. Try to buy your shoes from a store that will let you return them even after wearing. REI allows this as do many running specialty shops. Your toes should not be touching the end of the shoes at all, even when running. My size in running shoes has run from a 8.5-9.5. It just depends on the brand. Brooks IMO run small.


Funny you mention Brooks. I actually am coming from Brooks and wanted to try out Saucony. When I went to the actual running store, I tried on the Saucony's first to make sure I was the same size that I wore in the Brooks and it was the same, with the Saucony's maybe being slightly bigger (noticeable, but not enough to bump me into the next size). But, they didn't have wide, which I was told I should try. The wider width definitely has a roomier toe box! I am able to return these if I want, but I think I'm going to give them a try. I was reading an article right now about shoe sizing and it was pointing out how your feet will swell when running and also as the day progresses. It also mentioned what you said, that there should be almost a thumbs length between your big toe and the end of the shoe when standing. In my hot weather here, I am really thinking they are probably going to be okay, and probably even a better choice than the non-wide shoes.

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I really don't know :( But one time for a job I needed some shoes. I could only find them in wide width. I tried them on and thought they were okay. I wore them to work for a long time (sometimes rotating between that and another pair) and then one day got severe Plantar Fasciitis pain. I think the shoes were linked to the cause (both pairs, probably). But that may have been more to do with arch support than the fact that they were wide width. So I still don't know. But I think buying wide width was a mistake in my case. Anyway, regarding running shoes I think try a size bigger, not necessarily wider. You know? Are there any in a size bigger available to try on?? I know you said you had trouble finding your size. I don't run but I have a pair of Mizuno stability shoes for support. They helped size me in the store and assessed my gait. The right store will have very helpful workers.


Oh that's awful, I'm sorry for your experience! I hope that doesn't happen to me, but I just read an article about plantar fascitis and it had a list of about 8 things that can cause it and I think I hit every one, so....I won't be surprised if that befalls me one of these days. I did try a larger size (the running store guy tried to trick me to see if the 8.5 was really my size) and it was too big all around, whereas the wider just feels big in the toe box.


All this to say ~ I just did a little test drive with my new shoes and took them out for an hour "wog" - I hate that word, but that's the best I'm at right now. :P Honestly, when I was exercising, I couldn't tell a difference between them and my older shoes, except that they felt lighter, which is something I was really looking for. So, yay...and hoping they still feel great in a few weeks.



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Good on you for making your physical health a priority, Monica!  When you mention the local running stores, what kind of place are you talking about?  There's typically a big knowledge & competency gap between people who happen to work at a store that sells running shoes, and those at local, independent shops where running is a specific focus.  Staff at the latter won't merely tell you get a wide shoe and leave it at that.  You should seek out a shop where they'll fit you properly and provide proper follow-up.  


I know that isn't very helpful, but from a distance, it's the best advice I can offer.  Best to you!



I don't know if anyone will even know this. I bought a new pair of running shoes. My previous shoes have always been regular width, I've never worn a wide shoe. The last pair I wore out in the pinky toe area and I am heavier, so the guy at the running store recommended I get wide shoes. The regular width never bothered me, but I figured the toe holes could be an indication that I need wider shoes. (Or an issue of the shoes just being old.) Of course, none of the local running shoe stores have anything in my size in wide width, so I just bought my normal size in wide width online. They came today. They feel reallllllyyyy roomy in the toe box. I don't know if my feet are just used to feeling snug as a bug in a rug in the normal width and if they will adjust to (and even welcome) the wider width, or is the wide width going to end up bugging me? Anyone have experience with this?


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Good on you for making your physical health a priority, Monica!  When you mention the local running stores, what kind of place are you talking about?  There's typically a big knowledge & competency gap between people who happen to work at a store that sells running shoes, and those at local, independent shops where running is a specific focus.  Staff at the latter won't merely tell you get a wide shoe and leave it at that.  You should seek out a shop where they'll fit you properly and provide proper follow-up.  


I know that isn't very helpful, but from a distance, it's the best advice I can offer.  Best to you!


Thank you, Colleen. There are two local stores that I have been to that are both independent RUNNING stores. Well, I don't know that an hour/hour and a half away is local, but I have read time and time again how important shoes are, so I've tried to do that part right!

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Thank you, Colleen. There are two local stores that I have been to that are both independent RUNNING stores. Well, I don't know that an hour/hour and a half away is local, but I have read time and time again how important shoes are, so I've tried to do that part right!


I'd expect a good, independent running store to order for you the shoes you need, or at least help you out more, based on their recommendation.  Disappointing.  I think if I were you I'd just go with the shoes you bought and hope for the best.  I'm sorry I couldn't be more helpful, but I wish you the best with your running endeavors!

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I actually usually need a bigger size in running shoes so the toe box is big enough.  My feet have definitely gotten wider over the years (and I'm not a skinny mini either, but have run a few marathons back in the day).  If they do not slip in the heel, I would think they'd be fine.   I notice in running shoes, I need to break them in slowly sometimes (like maybe walk in them a few days before running, and then start with shorter runs to make sure they are going to work well).  I've struggled finding good running shoes over the years. I've actually lost toe nails when the toe box is not big enough, so bigger is better than smaller in my world.  Sometimes that means wearing a thicker sock and lacing them tight to make it work.

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I've got nothing constructive to add except that I'd consider taking up running again just so I can wear something like this on my feet... :lol: I spotted them weeks ago on an amazon surf-crawl-daydream and they are lodged in my psyche now...Honestly you could about fly with either of these babies...







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You will love it! I didn't believe any of the advice about wearing what seemed like gigantic shoes for running until after my first marathon. My feet were very swollen and blistered right where having a bigger toe box would have helped me a lot. I threw the shoes in the garbage on the way to the car. :) I wore a 7 and now wear an 8 in running shoes and I wear Mizuno because the toe box is wide anyway. I never have any problems now. I hope they work for you, too. Isn't it strange how excited runners get about something like this? : D

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I got up a whole size in some brands, and a size and a half in others, as some run smaller. Sites like runningwarehouse.com have a neat little app that shows you how various brands and styles fit and are sized as compared to a size/brand you know fits well.  I absolutely cannot stand running shoes that are tight in the toe box and I have narrow feet. You put a lot of force on your feet and your toes do spread quite a bit. You need the room to avoid things like black or loosened toenails as WoolySocks mentioned. If the heel and the arch area fit, enjoy the room :)

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Thanks ladies for the great advice you have given here! I feel much better sticking with these shoes I got now. They are really very comfortable when I'm running and walking! (And just so no one thinks I have a bad running store, they would have ordered them for me, but I was able to find last year's "model" online for 50% off; that's why I didn't order directly from the running store. I know, support my local running store. :tongue_smilie:)


Shukriyya - love those! I know we're not supposed to pick shoes based on looks, but it's so hard because there's some mighty flashy ones out there!


I love your new avatar! I don't think you've ever had a photo before. You are beautiful :)

ETA: Monica the comment above was directed at you. I just realized I could have been talking to anyone on the thread, lol


Thank you, Barb!



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