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Every day I say the same thing ...


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If I just had one solid week with the kids out of the house, then I could organize the house and plan lessons. Then I laugh, that's so never going to happen. Let's be practical and just get up a few hours earlier than everyone else, then over time it will add up. Then I think of how I work at night and my 4 year old pretty much forces me eyelids open in the morning repeating "food!"  Starting to rethink my idea to HS year round. Might be nice to just say, we're done! Have a cake and kick them out into the backyard.


It's so tempting to vent here because you all give great advice :)

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No advice. Just saying I tell myself those exact same things!!!! After this week I'm giving my kids a 2 week break from school before we start back with our schooling lite summer schedule. I told myself I could for sure declutter every room in the house during those two weeks until I realized that I'm not giving them a break from instrument practice and lessons or chores and that swim team starts next week four days a week. I still have to feed them. Yeah, I'll be thrilled to get through decluttering one room and maybe mopping the floor I've been ignoring for way too long....

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Cake, cake, cake.....we want cake  :laugh:


Yeah I said we are done with school.  Now we can really work on the house. Uh yeah that is totally happening  :rolleyes:  Most of the reason it isn't falls on me.  I just don't want to do anything.  


Please someone kick me in the rear

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You can still do summer school, but first take two weeks off, feed them cake and kick them out to the backyard. 


Could they go to camp?  (I can't see sigs so don't know ages.)  Could they go to Camp Grandma? 


Visits to Camp Grandma would definitely be in order. But that usually means just Cartoon Network all day long. I'm sure they would have no problem with that.

Camps seem out of the budget this year, but maybe I could find something.


I am so bad.  We have no cake.  We had a tiny bit of ice cream.  It was taking up space and not enough for the kiddos to share so I just ate it  :lol:   I hid in the kitchen under the pretense of trying to find something to fix for supper.  


I hide with ice cream all the time :D

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