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Grammar/writing course for mid-aged student

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Hi there. I am looking for an English curriculum.

I need something that the student can move through at their own pace, but isn't "baby'ish."

I want to use this for my 10 year old who needs some remidial help, but then one that will advance.

Is there something more self-directed I can  use ?

Thoughts ?


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We were in the same situation this year and chose Writing Tales.  I am really pleased with his progress.  It combines writing and grammar and is useful for remediation.  My son works with it twice a week and it is basically independent depending on whether you expand it or not.  It also contains copywork, and minor spelling work.  

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I chose Voyages in English 6 for this reason. DS10 is starting this in the fall. By then he'll have turned 11.


ETA: we only use VIE for grammar. For writing, we're using Wordsmith Apprentice, Sentence Composing for Elementary, and Paragraph Book 2 next year.

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We are in a similar situation. I just ordered Saxon (Hake) Grammar and Writing 5 for my 5th grader. From what I have seen, it seems like it will serve this purpose. We need something that is easy to use, straight forward, and if there is any teaching by me, I would like it to be right there open and go. My son isn't a very independent worker at this point, but we are hoping to get there.

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Hake Grammar and Writing - I used this with my dd and LOVED it. She didn't love it, so we switched, but I think it is an EXCELLENT program.


Writing Skills (which is what my son uses) also is excellent, but you would also need a grammar component to go with it. If you choose Writing Skills, I recommend Ridgewood Grammar as well. Both are available through EPS or Christianbook.

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Growing with Grammar http://www.growingwithgrammar.com/

Analytical Grammar https://www.analyticalgrammar.com/

Winston Grammar http://www.winstongrammar.com/


All 3 programs are very different.  GWG is a good overall grammar program that you can move through at your own pace.  AG can be done in 1, 2, or 3 years.  We did it in 2.  Winston is a fun program that uses cards to build sentences.  I think the cards are worth using with any program.  They were a big help when learning to parse sentences and they are fun to use.  If you have a kinisthetic learner, it will be a good thing.


Writing??  Jump In http://www.christianbook.com/page/homeschool/apologia/jump-inwas a favorite in our house with my oldest.  She used Jump In and the creative writing course from the same author. 


My youngest liked Ignite Your Writing http://www.amazon.com/Igniting-Your-Writing-Sessions-Enliven/dp/096666776X


If I'm correct, GWG and AG have added writing programs to their cataloge since we used them. 

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We love Igniting Your Writing at our house. We use it together on Fridays for a Writing Workshop (I participate, too!). It's a lot of fun. I think it would be a good program to get your child excited about writing and to have some enjoyable writing exercises. However, it is not a complete writing program. It focuses on style, not mechanics, and a child  who struggles with mechanics might find it frustrating. My ds, 5th grade, is a struggling writer, and he is just barely able to complete the beginner exercises in IYW. I also wouldn't consider it self-directed. It often mentions discussing your work with others.

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