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Annual Evaluation tonight... WHY am I so stressed?


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Anuual evaluation this evening, portfolio review style. Evaluator is a homeschooler and a friend who already knows a lot of the activities we do throughout the year, and is a fellow mom of multiples so understands that craziness too. My kids have made great strides since this time last year, and their work (all organized neatly in notrebooks) easily demonstrates a grade level or more of progress.


So... WHY have I been so stressed for the past week? Why do I feel like I must have overlooked at least a half dozen topics that she's going to ask them about? Why does it feel like tomorrow morning is going to be such a huge relief? What is going on, brain?

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Woo hoo, everyone "demonstrated progress at a level commensurate with his/her ability."


No, I didn't really have any doubt, but it is nice to have the paperwork all ready to go in the mail & be able to breathe again.  :D

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I've evaluated thousands of portfolios.  Constantly, I've had to reassure moms that everything would be fine - don't stress.  They did anyway.


Personally, I still get stressed with evaluations done by others, and I have had evaluations done on my children for twenty-seven years.  I know that if anything they did too much, but I think it is fairly typical to feel nervous.  Congrats on the great evaluation.  Just remember that feeling next year.  Build your portfolio throughout the year by adding items to it each month.  At the end of the year, you should have little to do, which will make it less stressful.  It helps me, when I do that. I just need to remember to do that, unlike this year.   :glare:

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We have our evaluations tomorrow, and even though this is our 7th time, and 3rd with this evaluator, I am nervous.  I'm always certain there will be something I've done wrong, forgotten, messed up, etc.   But I think part of that is seeing how little of what I'd wanted to accomplish each year actually  got done, even if those things were replaced with other good and useful things. 


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