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Let's talk Once upon a time ----SPOILER ALERT


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Wow, wow, wow.  The evil witch is back?  What a twist.  I thought the women they brought back was some how a wicked witch trick...    My dd is excited that Elsa is there  It's going to be a long summer waiting for the season premier.

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I like how everything has gone full circle and now Emma has messed up Regina's change at true love. Although it is Regina's own fault for not having followed Tink's advice earlier and approached Robin when she first saw him ....before he ever met Marian!  When Robin finds out who had been the cause of Marian's initial (or almost?) death....oh boy!


I squealed when Elsa came out of that magic pot in the barn.  Hope Anna shows up, too.  Maybe Olaf ;-)


How did Snow have dust to turn herself into a ladybug when we saw her toss it all at Evil Queen?  


And I do NOT like the name Neil for the little prince.  Maybe as a middle name.....

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Rumbelle wedding!!!  :D  That was definitely the highlight of the show for me, even if Rumple hasn't been entirely truthful with Belle.  I was shaking dd and yelling, "Oh my god, they're really getting married!"  Lol.  Dd watches it with me and she was equally excited.  I can't wait to see how wedded bliss works out for them next season.


I was happy to see Emma and Hook finally get together too.  I was definitely on team Neil, but since it looks like he's not coming back, I can grudgingly get on board with Emma and Hook being a thing.


Poor Regina. :(  That sucked.  I know she couldn't just flit around being happy for the rest of the series, but it still sucked.  Though as soon as Robin found out she was the one who killed Marian, things probably would have gone downhill fairly quickly anyway.  And how did Robin not already know that?  The murderer of your wife isn't something you really forget.


The look on Rumple's face when they announced little Prince Neil...  :lol:   That was a weird choice for so many reasons.  Poor Emma, having her new little brother named after her dead lover.  That's gotta be strange.


I was excited to see Elsa.  I really thought it was going to be the genie from Aladdin when the blue stuff came out.  It took me a minute to realize it was Elsa.  Dd is a huge fan of Frozen, she was really happy.







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I like how everything has gone full circle and now Emma has messed up Regina's change at true love. Although it is Regina's own fault for not having followed Tink's advice earlier and approached Robin when she first saw him ....before he ever met Marian!  When Robin finds out who had been the cause of Marian's initial (or almost?) death....oh boy!


I squealed when Elsa came out of that magic pot in the barn.  Hope Anna shows up, too.  Maybe Olaf ;-)


How did Snow have dust to turn herself into a ladybug when we saw her toss it all at Evil Queen?  


And I do NOT like the name Neil for the little prince.  Maybe as a middle name.....


The dust got thrown, but it didn't actually get used.  Maybe she had a chance to scoop some of it up off the floor when no one was looking?

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Yeah, but it's Emma's son's dad, so Neil can't be that bad to her.


My kids like this show.  I watch it sometimes because I love Regina and Rumple, and last night Rumple was excellent, so was Regina. I did feel badly for Regina, but something had to turn her back, keeping her good would be boring.  What kind of evil queen is good?


  My son made a loud moan when he realized it was Elsa (he's heard his sister play and sing that song too much. :D ).  But I think it will be fun.  

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I felt so bad for Regina! The whole show, I thought that Marian was foreshadowing where they were going to be going next and was trying to figure it out. I thought that maybe she was Princess Jasmine (have we seen her or Aladdin yet?) and they were going to do a crossover and bring Jafar (Naveen Andrews) over from OUAT in Wonderland and head to Agrabah. Boy, was I shocked!


Love Frozen...but not what I would have expected. I know they won't make it cutesy, but still....I actually don't know the whole Snow Queen fairytale and am kind of hoping they go that route more than bring in singing Frozen characters....(throw tomatoes, that's fine, lol.)

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IN case you guys don't know, we have an OUAT (and Grimm) social group!  We have a thread on the finale.  You're welcome to join us over there if you want to be totally insane (because we frequently are).


I like how everything has gone full circle and now Emma has messed up Regina's change at true love. Although it is Regina's own fault for not having followed Tink's advice earlier and approached Robin when she first saw him ....before he ever met Marian!  When Robin finds out who had been the cause of Marian's initial (or almost?) death....oh boy!


I squealed when Elsa came out of that magic pot in the barn.  Hope Anna shows up, too.  Maybe Olaf ;-)


How did Snow have dust to turn herself into a ladybug when we saw her toss it all at Evil Queen?  


And I do NOT like the name Neil for the little prince.  Maybe as a middle name.....


IIRC, she didn't dump it all out for the queen.  There was still a bit left in the vial.  I'll check it out when I do a rewatch (which I will!), but I'm fairly certain.  I knew when Emma didn't disappear that she hadn't died (I was wondering when someone would figure that out!), and there was no screaming from Snow.  I don't care how strong and defiant you are, if you're set on fire, you're going to scream.


I'm going to cut and paste my response from the group thread.  I posted right after watching, so I was a little punch drunk.  Also, it was quite long.



Holy crapballs!  I am so happy and irritated all at the same time.  There was so much Hook goodness in this episode, I will be watching it multiple times.  Two Hooks!  Woot!  Naughty Hook is devilishly hot, even if he is a rapscallion.  I'm sure it was horrible for Emma to have to kiss him.  Our Hook as still devilishly hot, but also ridiculously cute.  I loved (I am going to seriously overuse that word in this post!) when Hook got jealous of himself!  I actually squeed OUT LOUD, when he punched himself.  Oh, Hook!


I loved the entire back in time part.  Love, love, loved it!  I especially loved the dynamic between Hook and Emma.  They were ridiculously adorable, and he was heart achingly sweet.  The looks he was giving her made me sigh.  I wanted to smack her for not kissing him.  I liked how the Snow/Charming story played out, even though things had been changed.   


The ball was fabulous!  Charles and Leia!  Haha!  I loved her red dress (and Hook's appreciation of it), but it really, really stood out against all the other dresses, which was weird.  On the one hand, I can see the costumers wanting it to stand out, simply for the viewers sake, so we don't lose them in the crowd (though, who would take their eyes off Hook?), but on the other hand it stood out a bit too much, IMO, and seemed conspicuous for someone who wanted to blend in.   Hook was Emma's first date to a royal ball!  He knew how to dance!  Awwwww!  Adorbs!  Also, he looked delicious in the brown coat.  I noticed that he was still showing a good amount of chest though.  Oh, costumers, way to play to your audience!  I laughed when Emma escaped prison and Hook got upset that she deprived him of saving her.  You know he was looking for some sort of grateful reward and was upset that he wasn't going to get it.  I did like that she didn't wait for him to come find her, but got herself out of the situation. Now she's in the book!!!   She's a bonafide fairy tale princess!  I thought it was funny that they all remembered her as Leia.  Way to tie in your acquisition ABC.  So much cleverness in this episode.  Like Star Wars needs any tie ins though.


Rumple was fantastic, but that's no surprise.  Robert Carlisle is an effing genius.  So, he DID know Hook!  Okay, that made me feel better.  From the clip, it seemed like the timeline was wonky.  I laughed so hard when he was in the vault, after they went through the portal and he took the forgetting potion, and said "What the hell am I doing down here!"  Hahaha!  His and Belle's wedding was weirdly sweet.  I can't say that I was fond of her outfit. though   It was cute as can be, BUT it's not a *Belle* wedding dress and that made me sad.  Misstep there costumers!


When they revealed who the woman Emma brought back was, I actually said "Holy shit!  No way!"  Poor Regina.  She can't catch a break.  I'm really unhappy that they seem to want to take her back to her evil ways.  I'm tired of that.  I *like* good Regina.  Damn it.


At the very end, I was shocked.  "No freaking way," was what I actually yelled at the TV.  It made several questions pop into my head right away.  Is that going to be Elsa from Frozen, or the Snow Queen from the original fairy tale?  I hope it's going to be the Snow Queen, and not Elsa, because that would negate the movie.  Also, does Frozen really need to be promoted MORE?  Let it go, Disney.  <--Se what I did there?  How did she get into the urn?  Why was she stored in the scary ass magic room?  How did Rumple get her?  Does SHE have a grudge against him too?  What the heck is she going to do to the town?  Why are all the villains female?  Aren't there some male villains they can bring on?  Come to think of it, almost ALL fairy tale villains are women.  Why is that?  Why don't I have a dress with a long cape like that????  What do her shoes look like?????  Seriously, all this came to me within moments of her walking out.  I thought my brain was going to explode.


And now for the most important part of the entire show!  Hook and Emma!!!!!!  Wooooohoooooo!   It's about damn time that woman came to her senses!  He traded the Jolly Roger to get to her!  I thought I was going to faint at the look on his face.  That man can act without saying a word.  It's the eyes and the eyebrows.  Oh, yeah!  Back to what I was saying.  He traded the Jolly Roger to get to her!!!!   I can't believe she didn't strip naked right there on the patio (I would have).  It was crazy sweet though how it made her realize that he really does care for her.  He traded the Jolly Freaking Roger to get to her!  If that's not love, I don't know what is!  Their kissing was hot, and it went on for quite some time.  Yes!  They both looked so happy.  It's about flipping time.  I think the show runners and ABC would have had a riot on their hands if something hadn't happened there.  Mostly from me.  I would have rioted all on my own!  Oh, and I hope they don't try to modernize his clothing too much, like they've done with everyone else.  I like those leather pants, long leather coat, vest (seriously, I love the vest!), and open at the neck shirt.  It works, so don't mess with it costumers!


Okay, it's very late and I'm quite tired, so I'll end there, but I have more to say.  Off  to bedfordshire!  Maybe I'll dream about Hook.  Yum!



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I was waiting for someone to start this thread!  Were we ALL yelling "No way!" when we saw that it was Elsa?  Love it, I think it will definitely be the actual Snow Queen fairy tale, and not the movie version.  But, I can see why they had to make her look like the movie Elsa, or how else would we know who the heck she was? 



Loved the whole episode!  Can't wait for next season.

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