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Letting go….


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I have really been struggling with "letting go" of my two college students who are living at home.  Now, they are really doing well, so the problem is not with them, it is with me.   :blush: It's being such an adjustment to let go of their academics, schedules, etc. and my emotional attachment to it all.  I think my behavior towards them is reasonable (I'm sure I make some mistakes, as well), but my insides are often in turmoil.  I worry about all kinds of things that are not mine to worry about, and it makes me feel a little embarrassed and crazy. I am sure it is magnified by the years of homeschooling together--we've walked closely with each other. I can't be the only one?  


What do you find helpful in this process?  Any books that have encouraged you?  Any new habits you've developed?  



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I have no good advice... but I wanted to chime in with sympathy. I felt a little bit like a crying, crazy, out-of-control hag inside (and sometimes outside) for the better part of this school year. Finally, I took a Coursera course in Buddhism and Modern Psychology, started to meditate, and listened to many dharma talks from Insight Meditation Center (aka Audio Dharma Podcast on iTunes)... the ones by Andrea Fella have been particularly helpful to me personally. I am still not 100%, but it has definitely helped.


I do think the habit of being so close for so long can be a blessing and a curse when they leave... even if they haven't physically 'left' yet.





PS: About a year ago I started this thread, and people wrote some beautiful and helpful things about crossing this threshold:


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It's hard. But you're doing the right thing by recognizing that it is time for them to take this step, instead of preventing it from happening. No good advice for you, I'm afraid; I'm plowing ahead here with a mix of denial and acceptance. I'm sure I could/should be doing a better job there. But I wanted to let you know that you aren't the only one going through this.



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Thanks for the camaraderie! I knew I couldn't be alone.  It's such a strange up and down ride!  Most of my friends' kids are a little younger than mine, so I get concerned, but not quite understanding, looks when I voice my struggles.   People are kind, but it makes me feel odd.  Nice to hear I am not alone!

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