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Question about "Starting in the Middle"

Guest Cyndy S.

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Guest Cyndy S.

This is my first year of homeschooling. I have one child I am teaching, who would have been a 4th grader this year. My question is this: if I want to teach History by the Classical schedule, should I start with the Modern book, or the Ancient book? I am struggling with this and would appreciate your input.



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My dd was in fourth grade when we started homeschooling, and we started with the Ancients. I think it's best to start at the beginning. If you are using SOTW, you may just want to search your library for more age-appropriate supplementary readings than those recommended in the Activity book. :o)

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:iagree: Start with the ancients. You don't need to cycle through 3 or 4 times for your kids to get it. Hit the high points and move along until your at a place in history that you think will work for his homeschooling journey. If he misses learning about Pyrrhus or Cleomenes this time around, you'll find that it won't matter one bit when he's in junior high or high school.

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I've read a lot on the boards about SoTW--Modern not being suitable for elementary students.


I advise starting with the Ancients, too--and set your sights on cycling through twice with a year for your Nation's history specifically.


After all, it isn't content which matters so much at this age (except, of course, if it is too advanced) but what you expect FROM the child--for example, what level of narration? Of writing? Of outlining? What about rewriting from an outline? The content is just a jumping off point to develop the skills your child needs to absorb, organize and reiterate information.


Welcome to homeschooling!

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I jumped into hsing with a 3rd and a 5th grader last year and we started with the Ancients. I started at the beginning for both of them because I wanted continuity. For me, that is one of the (many) reasons we homeschool. I like doing history chronologically so they can see how events lead to other events and they had never had this before.


I did add appropriate reading for their levels as mentioned above, and even added some different projects since a lot of the ones in SOTW I were for younger children. We are finishing up the end of book 1 and are looking forward to the Middle Ages!


I hope you have fun and learn lots with whatever you decide!

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Just joining the chorus here! We started in the middle too, my kids were ages 8 and 9 when we started, and we did 4 years of Story of the World. It was fantastic. We will get through the history cycle just twice with the older, and have 2 years left for the younger.

Enjoy SOTW, its great, and in a way I am glad we started older, anyway.

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Guest Cyndy S.

I just wanted to say "thanks" for everyone's input. I just couldn't decide what was best, but after reading your advice, I thought, "What was I stressing about? Just start at the beginning and move forward!"



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No doubt about it. Start with the ancients. The thought and men of the ancient world is the foundation of our own; but what's more, God heaped an uncommon amount of common grace upon them that allowed them to peer inside the meaning of things and men and wonderfully communicate them to all mankind.

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Call me the odd man out- but we started in 4th and did American History and it was fabulous. We will start the 4 year cycle this year. I worried about it- but did what I thought would be the most interesting to him/combined with our travelling schedule and hands on history on the East coast. We loved it and had a fabulous year. We will get on schedule this year.

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We used Sonlight Core 3/4, it was a great way to start our hsing journey. On retrospect, however, I would have gotten SL core 3 then core 4 separately. But it gave dd a love of reading that was amazing. She hated to read before we started. Now, 3 years later, I have to holler at the kids to pick up all the books they leave everywhere:)



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