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Does anyone here have any experience with neck arthritis?

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I received a call from my doc today, and the MRI I had last week showed arthritis in my neck. To tell you the truth, I am quite shocked!! I am only 30 yrs old. A little background: When my youngest was born, I hurt my neck when I was pushing. It has gotten progressively worse over the last 2.5 yrs and this past June I started having numbness in my hand. So I went to the neurologist and lo and behold, I have arthritis.


I am starting physical therapy next week. The doc recommended a cortisone injection into my neck, but I need to think and pray about that. On one hand, I feel thankful that it isn't something worse, but I am also feeling overwhelmed by something that isn't "fixable". The thought of being diagnosed with a debilitating condition is frightening.


I would appreciate mainly prayers, but also your advice and experience. I am considering seeing a chiropractor, but I didn't have a good experience last time I went to one. Any other thoughts? TIA!!

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Chiropractor has helped me tremendously as far as my arthritis goes...neck, lower back, rt. knee and ankle. From what I understand, there are different types of chiropractors. We see one that focuses on fixing sublexations (I wish I could explain exactly what it is, but if you inquire at an office they would know). In fact, we all see him and have not had any illnesses in the past 18 months we have been seeing him! Including my son's severe asthma!


So, if you can find that kind of chiropractor I would go for it!


sorry to hear about that, by the way. It's not a fun thing to have to deal with.

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Chiropractor has helped me tremendously as far as my arthritis goes...neck, lower back, rt. knee and ankle. From what I understand, there are different types of chiropractors. We see one that focuses on fixing sublexations


Could the kind of chiropractor you're thinking of be an Atlas Orthogonal chiropractor? I'm seeing that kind right now because of a neck problem. I can't comment on what I think about her yet because I have only had a few treatments, and have not seen any results yet, but that might give you something to look up and find out about.

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Thanks! I am going to find a chiropractor that is on my insurance provider list. And I am starting physical therapy next week.


As a former physical therapist, may I suggest that you do one or the other? PT's and chiros use different techniques and different approaches. If a patient saw me then went to the chiro that same week, and felt better (or felt worse), we didn't know what did it - me or the chiro!

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I was diagnosed with arthritis when I was 25. It's in every joint in my body, including my jaws, which once swelled up so badly that I could only drink stuff for a week.


Don't be afraid, but I wouldn't waste time with a chiro or a PT. Get to a rheumatologist and get to one quickly.

What you do now could keep your joints from permanent damage.


Cortisone never helped me and I had side effects. I avoid it now.

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I agree, see a specialist. My niece has arthritis and they were able to halt much of the damage because they acted early. Hope you feel better.


I was diagnosed with arthritis when I was 25. It's in every joint in my body, including my jaws, which once swelled up so badly that I could only drink stuff for a week.


Don't be afraid, but I wouldn't waste time with a chiro or a PT. Get to a rheumatologist and get to one quickly.

What you do now could keep your joints from permanent damage.


Cortisone never helped me and I had side effects. I avoid it now.

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As a former physical therapist, may I suggest that you do one or the other? PT's and chiros use different techniques and different approaches. If a patient saw me then went to the chiro that same week, and felt better (or felt worse), we didn't know what did it - me or the chiro!


Thank you for the suggestion. I hadn't thought of that. I will do PT first since I already have that set up.

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I was diagnosed with arthritis when I was 25. It's in every joint in my body, including my jaws, which once swelled up so badly that I could only drink stuff for a week.


Don't be afraid, but I wouldn't waste time with a chiro or a PT. Get to a rheumatologist and get to one quickly.

What you do now could keep your joints from permanent damage.


Cortisone never helped me and I had side effects. I avoid it now.



Wow. I hadn't thought of that either. Thanks!!

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