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How to CLEP out of math for the non-mathy...

Michelle My Bell

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I am finishing up my first year in college as a 41 year old, homeschool mom of 5. Next year I am set to either take the easiest math I can find or CLEP out of it this summer. (My degree only requires 1 math). My preference would be to CLEP so I am planning on doing some studying this summer to prepare myself. So far, I am considering using ALEKS.com to help me. Does anyone have any recommendations to help this extremely non-mathy girl (but extremely motivated!) prepare to CLEP out of math? ANY advice would be appreciated!!!


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There are CLEP prep books, I highly suggest getting one. Look in your campus book store and see which one you like. Then order it cheaper on Amazon.com, also stop by your schools library and take out any CLEP prep books they have and any extra texts that might help you study for certain topics. :).


Does your school have walk in tutoring? Log some hours at the tutoring lab for any subjects you have trouble with. In fact, I'd go to the library or tutoring center at a set time/schedule as if I had a class. (so maybe 3x a week for 1-3 hours at a time).


Good luck.

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Make sure you check which CLEP your college accepts. As the 46 year old freshman, I too plan to CLEP out of the one math required for my major. College Algebra is the lowest they accept (it may be the lowest CLEP, I can't remember). 


I used ALEKS to test out of developmental math last fall. I like it and may use it this summer.  Education-portal also has some math classes designed to be used with CLEP. Along with those I may buy Lial's College Algebra and work through that. 


I will also buy the CLEP book, I flipped through the college boards guide at Barnes and Noble this week. Looks like it will be helpful. I think the entire book is 25, where as if you buy individual study guides from college board they are 10.00 each. So if you or your dc plan on CLEPing out of more than one, it might be better to buy the big book. 


Oh, amazon has it for 13.74, much better deal http://www.amazon.com/CLEP-Official-Study-Guide-2014/dp/145730032X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1397230896&sr=8-1&keywords=college+board+clep

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Does your school accept ACE credits from ALEKS? Mine did, so I completed two math courses through ALEKS- no need to then CLEP anything. I highly recommend doing it that way. Much less stressful than one test, plus I really learned a lot!


This is also my suggestion if they accept ACE - certainly the least expensive, plus you can do it all from home.

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I also agree with the check what your college will accept. My would-be-writer wants to CLEP out of college math, but for the college he'd like to attend that means the Pre-Calc CLEP. It is the lowest CLEP they will accept to meet their gen-ed requirement. They will also take the Stats AP as an alternative, but I haven't been able to get a school to agree to give us a seat in an AP, so that's not so helpful. Can adults take APs? 


Anyway, check what class you need to start with. Will they take credits from ACE credits (no one my kids have considered does), then make your selection. There is a Homeschool CLEP yahoo group that focusses mostly on TESC, but can give some great ideas, study plans and BTDT advice for many of the CLEP tests if that is where you end up.

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