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Computer\Tech savvy people...I want to have online registration available on my website...help?


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I'm the director of a fairly large co-op.  I have a website set up for us that, right now, contains just basic information about how we run the co-op, important dates, and a link to download registration forms.  I would love to be able to set it up so that returning and new members can just register online and then pay through paypal. II have a paypal account set up already but don't have it linked on my website.)  However, I inherited this website from the previous director and know nothing about how to do this.    


Could someone direct me to a tutorial or clear information on how to accomplish what I'm wanting to do?

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I'm not an expert on Google web sites, but the last time I looked at them, I didn't see that they had this kind of capability -- at least, not built-in.  This is actually a somewhat non-trivial thing to accomplish, and if you do it all yourself, you will have a lot of work maintaining the security.


You might want to look at member management sites, such as:



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I don't have any experience with Google sites per se, but theoretically I would think you could do a registration form through Google Docs and add a Paypal button to your site for payments. Your members are still going to have to conduct two transactions (one to fill out the form, another to pay) but it could at least be done entirely online. For seamless payment integration, you're going to have to spend some money.

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Take a look at Homeschool-life.com.  Our group migrated to it this year from yahoo groups and I cannot say enough good things about it.  Online registration, online signups for things on the calendar, built in forums.  It is truly awesome.  It is also very customizable.  The homeschool family that runs it provides amazing customer service.  I sent an email with some suggestions and they responded point by point to my suggestions and gave me a timetable for their inclusion in the site.

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I have used JotForms to add on-line registration to a web site. Well, actually, Mr. Ellie did the work. :-) But JotForms allows you to set up an auto-reply as a confirmation, and add a PayPal button and all that.


There's also something called EventBrite, which allows you to log on to your account from a laptop or other device and check people in when they arrive.

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