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My loop schedule...


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So I was intrigued by the loop schedule idea and thought I'd give it a try. I have 4 kids and it's hard to get to all subjects for all of them each day, so this sounds like it might actually work for us!


For anyone who hasn't heard of the loop schedule idea yet... The idea is that you begin working through the loop, get as far as you can in a given day, then on the next day, start where you left off in the loop. That way no subjects or children are left out on a regular basis.


Anyway, the link below will take you to my loop schedule. Anything in a colored box means that child is to do that subject with me. Anything in a call-out (speaking box) is work that is to be done independently.


It is assumed that the little ones will be doing a quiet activity when they are not scheduled to do anything. However, during read-aloud time with my older ones, I have them watch tv for 30 minutes. I figure if they are going to watch 30 minutes of tv at some point in the day, it may as well be while I'm reading aloud to the older ones. Saves my sanity!




Let me know what you think or if you see any conflicts or left-out subjects. My children's ages are in my sig.

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I have to admit, I don't really get the loop thing. I just have my list of what needs to be done and we do it in whatever order (mostly). We start with kindergarten and second grade Sept.8 (the first full week after the oldests birthday), so my planning may need a little tweaking. I do my lesson planning in xcel (easiest for me to change as I need to). I have tenativeley planned out the first week - not there yet, it will probably need adjusting. I have the second (blank) column to write myself notes in (example: Felicia read it and I didn't have to, try this lesson again tomorrow, done). I'm going to try and see if I can figure out a way to attach it.

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Well, if and when you get to the point where you find you're always dropping science, or always running out of time to work with your youngest, you might find yourself drawn to the loop idea. If all of your kids are quick workers who finish their assignments each day, you may not ever need something like the loop schedule to keep you on track.


Some of us, however, are always looking for ways to make sure everyone gets their work done (my oldest is a slowpoke) and to make sure there's a definite end to the school day.


I'm an open-and-go, do-the-next-thing kind of gal, but this year I've been putting together an Excel doc with the weekly assignments for the whole year. It sure is different from the days when I only had a first grader and two toddlers!


If it turns out you never need something like the loop framework, then that's great.

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Well, if and when you get to the point where you find you're always dropping science, or always running out of time to work with your youngest, you might find yourself drawn to the loop idea. If all of your kids are quick workers who finish their assignments each day, you may not ever need something like the loop schedule to keep you on track.


Some of us, however, are always looking for ways to make sure everyone gets their work done (my oldest is a slowpoke) and to make sure there's a definite end to the school day.




I am finding that we are actually getting art and science lessons done! That is huge for my kids, as I have tried and faltered at these many times. No, those aren't the most important things, but they sure are fun, especially since we do them as a group.


And that definite end to the school day...I feel like I am more in charge of how much time we spend on lessons, not the schedule. If we need a short day for whatever reason--like today we only did 1.5 hours because I did not sleep well last night--I don't have the "rest" of the stuff glaring at me, causing me stress because it didnt' get done. It is a whole different way of thinking for me...we are where we are, and we just keep moving forward...this is very freeing and uplifting for a mama who was very, very burnt out.

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I'd be hesitant to "tie" two or more children together, meaning having them do a specific thing, while another is working with you. Reason being, somedays they may have questions in a subject they typically do independently, one day that work may be easy and they blow through it, or the student you are working with may have a lot of new material that day - all of these have come up in my homeschool, which is why I'm mentioning them.




A simple list of each child's "independent" work might be easier to follow. If each child has his/her list, they can just start working through that while you are working with another child.


Otherwise, I like how you did your loop. Don't be afraid to tweak things as you go along.

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I love the loop schedule so far! I have 3 kids doing school and what's working for us is index cards. It is so easy scheduling this way. They each have their little box and cards put in order to be done. They work for an hour, break, then another hour. The afternoon is left for those subjects we do together. I can also secretly "tweek" their schedule by rearranging the cars on a particular day if I need to.



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When I was just schooling two children, we would get done all of our subjects no problems but we didn't get finished until 2:30 or 3:00. This year, we are folding in a third little person and I was a teensy bit anxious on how we were going to get everything done. I was concerned that my youngest would get shortchanged on her 'mama time' with the old schedule.


We haven't tried looping yet as we don't start school until next Mon. I have everything ready and I am excited to see if this will work for us. I'll let you all know next week.

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