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Chip (the daschund) hurt his back....


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So what can we give him for pain? He has an appointment Tuesday at 5 and we already got the ok to give him presidone (we already had some human ones) but I forgot to ask about something for pain. He weighs about 30 lbs. he is able to walk, he just is very weary of stairs and jumping (I am picking him up for now until we can get some ramps built for him).

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You need to call your vet.  There are certain pain relievers (including aspirin, I believe) that should never be used along with prednisone.


In your shoes I would insist on a much earlier appointment.  As in today, preferably.  I wouldn't wait almost a week to have a back issue evaluated in any dog, let alone in a breed that's very susceptible to serious spinal issues.

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We have a dog susceptible to back and neck injuries as well. When he hurts himself, he is to be confined to a crate so he will do no further damage. The first time he had to stay in the crate for a week and if we couldn't do it the vet wanted to keep him. He was on medication but I can't remember what it was. Every now and then we can tell he's hurt himself (never like the first time) and he goes into the crate for a day or two just to be safe. I would definitely try to get him in sooner and I would also make sure he is not jumping at all.

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In that case I'd definitely keep him crated like Horton said.  If he needs pain medication, though, I think you're going to have to get something through the vet.  Aspirin is the only OTC pain reliever I can think of that can be given to dogs, but I'm fairly positive it can't be given along with prednisone.  I *think* maybe Tramadol can be used, and it's fairly inexpensive.

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Yes, I think Tramadol is okay with predisone. Then crate him. Don't let him move around a ton. We've nursed one dachshund back from the point where her hind legs were paralyzed. You know you really love your pet when you're outside in knee deep snow holding her rear end up so she can go potty.

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We would do sooner but we don't have the money, dh gets paid on Tuesday


I'd call and ask if they can bill you rather than paying the bill in full at time of treatment because of your financial situation. I'm sure a vet wouldn't want a dog to be in pain if they can do something about it. It couldn't hurt to ask.

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