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Spanish for the Early Years


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I'm just doing research on the classical education model and I like a lot of what it has to offer. I'm not planning on bringing Latin into the equation at this time, but I do think that it's important to learn foreign languages early on. My son is currently in a private school for K5 and has Spanish class and I'd really like to continue with that at home next year. Any recommendations for an easy, laid back, simple curriculum where we could just go over some basic words/do a worksheet or something once a week? I just want to keep the concepts he has learned in his mind so that he doesn't forget and want to continue to develop the language over time.

I have heard that Rosetta Stone isn't very kid-friendly. What about this one? http://www.amazon.com/dp/1582042063/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=BPC0N3V3VZUN&coliid=ITMIEEBILQKMJ

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We use Song School Spanish. It is very laid back, introduces several words/phrases for each lesson, and reinforces them with songs and worksheets. I wouldn't consider it comprehensive if you're looking for something that would have your son speaking fluently, but it's a good foundation.


Salsa Spanish is another option. I know others on here use it.


Rosetta Stone isn't really geared for the younger set, so I would skip it entirely.

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If youre not opposed to lessons on the computer I have my daughter using petralingua.com for our spanish. It has songs that they sing, mini quizzes at the end and also printables that coincidence with the lessons. Theres a free trial of a lesson. Another thing ive used with my daughter is on my android tablet I had downloaded cartilla completa for learning to read spanish. It costs $15 and it is so thorough and my daughter now reads Spanish books. Im bilingual and having my kids learn Spanish is a big priority. I delayed teaching her because she was speech delayed.

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Hmm, weird the Rosetta Stone app isn't compatible with my device either. I downloaded the Duolingo one, I'll give it a try. I will look into Song Spanish and Salsa Spanish as well!

I definitely don't need something too comprehesive at this point, just a good foundation for the basics.

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Wondering myself what to use for the same purpose.

What we have used so far and liked:


Muzzy...they have an online thing now which we did try for one day, but we used the DVD system when DS was 2-3. He really liked it. I have seen it at the local library, as it can be very expensive to purchase.


An apple app called Mindsnacks which Ds used when he was 4. He absolutely loved it. I wish there were more levels.


We also got the Costco version of Rosetta Stone which was only ~30$. Ds liked listening a little to the CDs, but they were super dry to me. I would not recommend those.


Now I would like to find longer use program and will help him and myself (a non-speaker) to learn along with him. So, I'm following this post as well as contributing the few things we have tired.

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Our library has Muzxy available online, you watch a video segment and then there are computer games loosely associated with the segment.

We liked Salsa once a week, also. I think they're are worksheets available for those episodes (but we didn't use them)

Do you speak any Spanish? There are other resources available if you can handle pronunciation or are okay with instructions in Spanish.

For my dc, it is helpful to have a variety of activities throughout the week, rather than the same curriculum every day.

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We are doing a few things with dd4 for Spanish, some of which are mentioned above. She really likes Salsa Spanish a few times per week, the song-based play of Song School Spanish is fun, and we bought a fun collection of children's classic stories called Bilingual Brighter Child Keepsake Series where the story is both in English and Spanish. Books like Goldilocks and the Three Bears, The Three Little Pigs, The Little Red Hen, etc.. Having these has made a huge difference.

For vocabulary DVDs in Spanish I must admit we have several popular sets: WhistleFritz, Little Pim, Professor Toto, and more...but by far the set that keeps her attention is by a company called DinoLingo. Cute Dino's and amusing pictures. In fact, DinoLingo has just about every language you can imagine. I have just ordered the full Latin set to go with the original starter set. Just fun.

Apps: we loved an app called math Bingo, so when Spanish bingo came out we got it and it has also been a hit.

I also have a fun phrase book geared toward things a kid might say or things a parent might say to a kid called Kid Stuff Spanish. We pick a phrase per day (silly usually, like 'please pick up your dirty socks!') and this has been a big hit at our calendar time. Even if she doesn't remember the entire phras she picks up bits of it and can later recombine them with other words/phrases.

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We use the older workbooks (fabulous 80's style). One called Spanish Is Fun Book 1 and Workbook in Everyday Spanish Book 1. We use them just as you are talking about - to keep up skills and to be a more engaging way to interact than a textbook. We also read a lot of Spanish board/children's books from the library. We use these like Five In A Row and read them over and over to look at different aspects of the language. Ds prefers the books, but the specific grammar practice makes sure he is getting directed skill review.

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