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S/O of the bad job thread...tipping hotel maids

Hikin' Mama

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We'll be tipping again (unexpectedly) tonight. Freezing rain and snow/slush in the mountains along with seeing more accidents than we were able to count caused us to change plans and return home tomorrow. A $5 tip is less expensive than a tow and replacing the car (or parts). It's also cheaper than the years continuing the drive would take off our life. Already we should be less than an hour from home. Instead we're a little over 3 hours - all due to weather and accidents.

Fortunately, youngest is home to take care of the cat and critter needs! (He was on a different trip and returned before we did.)

Oh, and our tips ARE voluntary - not "guilt trips" or whatever. I sincerely feel those cleaning deserve it regardless of what their basic wage is (knowing that wage is not high) and would hate to ever stiff them.

Smart move. Stay safe!
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Smart move. Stay safe!


Both hubby and I are already less stressed... ;)


The only reason we stayed on the road as long as we did is that motels in the mountains are few and far between.  I HATE seeing so many accidents.  If folks were wearing seatbelts, they're likely ok, but many vehicles bit the dust. Ice is nasty!

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The irony is that the worse the guests leave the room, the lower the probablity of a tip.


I've heard that as well, and it doesn't surprise me at all.


I try to remember to leave a tip, but I sometimes forget in the rush to get out the door.

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