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Indoor PE?

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It's cold. And very windy. And it's like this a lot. My boys love to sign up for community sports teams, so they get plenty of exersize, even in bad weather. My 9 year old doesn't like those things as much. Right now she's in ps and has PE. She also joined the girls' basketball team, but that just ended and she's not iterested in signing up for the next sport. I've noticed that getting more physical activity in this year has been great for her. When the weather is nice it's easy to go outside and jump rope or play games. But next year when the weather gets yucky and she's homeschooling again, what can I have her do inside our very small house? Are there any fun exercise dvds that'd be good for a kid? Things like dance aerobics, or kickboxing, or maybe some yoga? Maybe some that aren't annoying that I could do with her? (I don't think she'd be able to handle my grown-up dvds like p90x, but she'd want me as a workout partner.) Are there any fun indoor games you know of that don't take a lot of space and don't require many players? Any other ideas for a girl who would really rather just sit and draw when the weather outside is bad?

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Thanks for the replies. Unfortunately there is no room inside for jump rope or hula hoop, and I'd rather not get any video game system. It'd likely get out of control very quickly. I've never heard of Fit Deck - it looks like fun!

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Dribble a ping pong ball on the paddle.

Toss a bean bag back and forth, or a rolled up sock. Throw the bean bag into a box.

Lay a board on the floor as a balance beam.

Find a list of exercises like jumping jacks and sit-ups.

Hand-weights and those stretchy rubber bands.

I always wanted a chin-up bar, but never got one installed.

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- bounce up and down the hall on a bouncy ball with a handle

- jump rope up and down the hall, or push the furniture back to make a space (check out the ROPELESS jump ropes that don't require high ceilings and use no more floor space than when you are standing!)

- vigorous dancing or marching to lively music

- aerobics DVD

- mini-trampolene in the house for running in place

- Simon Says -- with calling out things like "15 jumping jacks", or "5 leg lunges", or "10 sit-ups"...

- indoor obstacle course through the house; use pillows, hula hoops, scarves, etc. to mark the "stops" 

(crawl under the table, jump over a pillow, 1 leg hop down the hall, crawl through a tunnel made of chairs with a blanket thrown over it, at the handkerchief or scarf do 10 jumping jacks, …. etc. -- have the kids use their imagination and make cool courses)

- sumo wrestle-mania (each kid wears an old t-shirt of dad's and a pair of loose-fitting sweat pants; stuff front and back with bed pillows and bounce off of each other

- indoor hopscotch; tape numbers to tile squares in the kitchen or down a hall -- you only need 12-16" tiles, and a total of 7 tiles long and 3 wide to make a hopscotch course

- balloon volleyball -- stretch a piece of yarn across the room and bat a balloon back and forth; see how many times you can get it back and forth before it touches the ground

- bubble wrap attack -- lay out a piece of packing bubble wrap, one for each child, and they jump up and down on them until all bubbles are popped

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