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Pros and Cons of MWF or T Th classes


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I'm looking through the fall schedule for my classes. Because ds still needs oversight for his studies I'm trying to pick all MWF or T Th classes and probably one online class. Obviously the T Th classes are longer time in the classroom, but then I'd only have to go to campus twice a week (would be great on my budget), although I'd be there more of the day. I would have a break between the second and third class for lunch. 


The MWF classes are 3 back-to-back classes. They're in the same building, so transit time is okay, but there's no down time and then I'd have to rush home (30 min drive) to start ds' schooling. 


So what are some pros and cons? Classes start about the same time, so that's not an issue.

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I always did my classroom sections back-to-back MWF because it spread out the homework and got the class time done, and then my labs on TTh because they were usually all morning or all afternoon.  Then I had good blocks of time to do homework.

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Does your school offer the same courses in a MWF and a TR format??? Ours offers each class either as a three session or a two session format, but never both.

If you have to choose between different classes, I think you should decide based on which classes are best for your educational goals: which courses fulfill requirements, or serve as prerequisites for classes you might want to take in the future. I would consider the schedule less important than the class selection.

If OTOH these are actually the same classes, I'd go for TR.


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Based on dd's experiences, I would go with the T/Th classes.  It makes for a very long day when there's no break for lunch and two days on campus instead of three allows for more time for completing the work for the classes.   Having to rush back home after class isn't ideal either as there might be a study group afterward or another reason you'd want to have a few minutes on campus.  Just some thoughts.e


ETA:  I could have just said ditto to what Kareni posted!  :001_smile:

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Does your school offer the same courses in a MWF and a TR format??? Ours offers each class either as a three session or a two session format, but never both.

If you have to choose between different classes, I think you should decide based on which classes are best for your educational goals: which courses fulfill requirements, or serve as prerequisites for classes you might want to take in the future. I would consider the schedule less important than the class selection.

If OTOH these are actually the same classes, I'd go for TR.


One of the classes is the same. Of the other two on campus, one each is required for the major, the second would be In one instance an elective I need to take (anthropology) because that's an area I might pursue further studies, and the other if I decide to minor in philosophy (strongly leaning that way) it's required. That probably doesn't make sense (I've been working on essays all morning) - bottom line is, yes, all of the classes are ones I'll end up taking anyway. 


The online class is a general studies requirement. 

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Assuming the classes are the same (just offered on different days), I'd vote for the Tuesday-Thursday schedule as it would entail less running around, a lunch break, and more time at home.






Based on dd's experiences, I would go with the T/Th classes.  It makes for a very long day when there's no break for lunch and two days on campus instead of three allows for more time for completing the work for the classes.   Having to rush back home after class isn't ideal either as there might be a study group afterward or another reason you'd want to have a few minutes on campus.  Just some thoughts.e


ETA:  I could have just said ditto to what Kareni posted!  :001_smile:


Thanks, I'm leaning that way myself. I could nap in my car during lunch.  :lol:



Are these classes that could be done online?

I take all my classes online, or have thus far, and am able to carry a full load because I can work on them as I desire rather than when it is class time.


I'm taking online classes this year, but my university doesn't offer all of my degree online, so it's off to campus next fall. I love the flexibility of online work, but with the classes I'm looking at, I'm looking forward to having some good discussions. 

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I would also consider who is teaching the classes -- it is the same professor?  The difference between a good professor and a bad one for the same class can be huge.  All other things being the same, I personally prefer the T-Th classes, because each class meeting has a certain fixed amount of overhead, no matter how long it is -- the student's commuting time, the administrative overhead of assigning homework and other trivia, I think you just get more class-time done in fewer, longer classes.

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I would also consider who is teaching the classes -- it is the same professor?  The difference between a good professor and a bad one for the same class can be huge.  All other things being the same, I personally prefer the T-Th classes, because each class meeting has a certain fixed amount of overhead, no matter how long it is -- the student's commuting time, the administrative overhead of assigning homework and other trivia, I think you just get more class-time done in fewer, longer classes.


I'm trying to take as many history classes as I can with my advisor. The T Th classes would allow me one more with him instead of another teacher (whom I heard is a difficult grader). My advisor uses a lot of primary sources in his teaching vs a textbook, which is a big draw for me too.  

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