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Where the heck is all this pink eye coming from?!? Gym class? Swim lessons? Grocery store? Why am *I* the one always getting it while my three kids can lick shopping cart handles and get nothing until I get it first? I have never, ever had it before and this is the second bout of it in three months. Now it's spring, and I can't tell where the allergies end and the conjunctivitis begins.

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I'm tired of the hospital calling me and shaming me for not paying off our bills fast enough.  Lady, you can say whatever you want, but it is not MY fault that the hospital charges thirty dollars for a freaking bandaid.  Even if I could pay my gigantic bill all at once, the hospital would still charge thirty dollars for a bandaid.  It's not like I chose to have epilepsy and food allergies, a daughter with a rare genetic disorder, and a husband with severe asthma and COPD.  How nice it must be for you to look down your nose at me because your family had the overwhelming luck to be born healthy and not ever need to go to the hospital.


I'm sick of looking around (in real life only, not here!) and seeing that it's the abusive parents who have lots of kids.  I'd love just one more, but apparently I'm not a crappy enough parent to deserve it or something.  


On that note, I'm sick of PMS symptoms and early pregnancy symptoms being pretty much identical.  Who the hell decided that was a good idea?  Grr.



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I'm sick of doctors who don't listen and think it's all in your head, and searching for one that takes you seriously or can actually stick all your complaints together to come up with the diagnosis. Weeks for a referral. Wait weeks for a test. Wait weeks for another referral. This system bites. I hate how all doctors feel like all mothers are over-exaggerators of  their child's health condition. Does my child have to be a skeleton or blue before someone does SOMETHING? Being nice doesn't get you anywhere either apparently.


I hate cooking for people who won't eat it and complain about it.


I'm annoyed that my only time to myself is spent grocery shopping. Why do I do this? Nobody apparently wants to eat it anyway. I wonder if putting doritos and cookies on the table for every meal would actually make everyone more happy.


and ... I HATE WINTER!


I also think I'm just an idiot. Do I actually think I can effectively homeschool 5 children? I can't even keep them all dressed and someone is always crying. Always.


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I'm sick of being constantly asked to babysit simply because 'I'm home'. Um, I don't just hang out all day! I have three of my own kids, and honestly do not want anyone else's. I have to hide from one of the neighbors because it got so bad. I don't mind kids over to play at all, so it's not that. I just don't want to babysit.

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Can I add to my vent? I just spent 6 hours at the hospital clinic for the worst leg pain I have ever had. It appears that yesterday I pulled a calf muscle while digging in the bowels of my car looking for leaking break fluid. This morning I had a sudden sharp pain unlike anything I had ever felt that lasted several minutes. It kept happening every time I move around so I went in, lucky me has low magnesium or potassium again and it was causing muscle cramping including that pulled muscle. By the time I finished picking up some groceries my whole lower body was cramping up:( I've had this happen quite a few times over the years so I know to take both until we get the labs back to see which to push but man it sucks. I haven't had cramping this bad since I went into labor! I picked up dd7 from school on the way home and my little darling has the flu, she's scheduled for her surgery next Friday which was already rescheduled from last time because she was sick! Also kicking myself because I haven't had the money to restock on cold and flu meds and I can't remember where I saw a bag of cough drops hiding and I think were out of ocillo:(

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I wish I could line up every person on this thread who needs a hug and go down the line hugging you all.  Then I would start again at the front of the line and keep it up until someone felt a tiny bit better.


I would like to join you in hugging everyone who has vented here. My heart is going out to everyone of them. And to you for your hugging idea.

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If one more person says "I wish I'd known about X" for our HS group, when I've posted X on the group's chatboards, calendar, and FB page, I'm going to scream. What do I need to do-go to your house with an engraved invitation? Sheesh!


Or suggesting we should do "x" when we already do!!!!!!!! 

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