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Vintage LA people- what is your experience?


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I read through a rather long thread about the many excellent vintage LA options. It sounded as though some of you were planning for using those options in your schools this year. If you have, how has it worked (or not worked)? Which are your favorites? What ss have you worked out? How do you combine those resources with the rest of your curriculum?


Those I am most interested in are Harvey's, Progressive Composition, First Lessons in English, Writing in English, School Composition, and the derivatives book. The derivatives book is just too cool!

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There are so many books to choose from. And just like today, the authors had their own pet teaching philosophies.


For composition and grammar, I like Progressive Composition Lessons supplemented by the oral and written lessons in Journeys through Bookland.


Book 1 (grades 3-4)
Book 2 (grades 5-6)
Book 3 (grades 7-8)


Journeys through Bookland Vol. 10 ORAL LESSONS pg. 352-360


Journeys through Bookland Vol. 10 WRITTEN LESSONS pg. 361-362

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I love School Composition (Maxwell). I do one lesson of IEW SICC-B alternating with one lesson of School Composition (for my 5th grader). It will take us about two years to complete these programs.


I see IEW a lot like drill work with the checklist. It helps my kids learn new skills and gain a habit of including them in their compositions.


With School Composition, I tell my kids we will not have a checklist but to try to include as many of the IEW skills as they can. This leads to more natural writing and better compositions. School Composition has wonderful models and interesting assignments. It is a high quality writing program which doesn't talk down to kids like many other homeschool programs.

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My son is only on lesson 8 of Progressive Composition, but he likes it so far. The lessons are short, many are oral and then lead to written, and they are easy to do as there is usually a sample to compare to. He is in 3rd grade and a typical boy that would rather be outside or playing video games than doing anything for school. I am not sure how a naturally creative writer would do.


He also does Modern Speller and likes it, too, probably because it is a short lesson, and the dictation is easier than what is in WWE 3.

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I am using Progressive Comp and loving it. We have also used parts of First Book of English. But what is this derivatives book of which you speak???


If only I could successfully put in a link! The title is ' Derivation of Words with Exercises on Prefixes, Suffixes, and Stems' by Mary Frances Hyde. My download says it is a google book. It is so cool! I am planning to use it during our year off from Latinin about 7th as our vocab text. I am glad to hear you are loving Progressive Comp! I have been quite impressed with the many texts I have read.

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If only I could successfully put in a link! The title is ' Derivation of Words with Exercises on Prefixes, Suffixes, and Stems' by Mary Frances Hyde. My download says it is a google book. It is so cool! I am planning to use it during our year off from Latinin about 7th as our vocab text. I am glad to hear you are loving Progressive Comp! I have been quite impressed with the many texts I have read.


That does look neat. I think this is a good link.


And a POD edition on Amazon, for those of us who like hard copies.

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If only I could successfully put in a link! The title is ' Derivation of Words with Exercises on Prefixes, Suffixes, and Stems' by Mary Frances Hyde. My download says it is a google book. It is so cool! I am planning to use it during our year off from Latinin about 7th as our vocab text. I am glad to hear you are loving Progressive Comp! I have been quite impressed with the many texts I have read.

Thank you! I am in love with this!


We've used two of Maxwell's books with great results. They include excellent explanations and samples.

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  • 2 months later...

I love Maxwell's books!  Out of curiosity, though, what grades do you think that First Book in English, School Composition and Writing in English are most appropriate for?  I know that the author suggests grades 3-5 for the first, 7-8 for the second, and high school for the third.  But I see that many are using School Composition in 5th grade, and Writing in English for 7/8.  


Those of you with experience, do these align with the skills taught in say, R&S or Hake...and if so, what years?  I'm thinking of just following the author's suggestions (but have to find something for 6th then...) but I'm concerned that the progression would be to slow to align with modern expectations...





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