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Commas!!!! Any good workbook or ANYTHING to teach my kids comma rules?

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I think my kids have a block in their brains against commas.  It must be biological, since they all have it.  It wasn't given to them by me.  Maybe their dad. :glare:


We use R&S grammar and I am just noticing that there is exactly ONE page on comma rules each year.  This might explain things.  


Does anyone have any ideas for supplements to learn comma rules, or even just all punctuation rules?  We are nearing the end of the grammar books, and I would like to finish the year with some extra punctuation and general proofreading practice.


{Thank, you, for, help-ing,,,,, : ;""...



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MP puts out a book called English Grammar Recitations.  It's used with the corresponding workbooks in conjunction with their Latin program.  Basically, the little green "main" book has the grammar, capitalization, and punctuation (including comma) rules in it.  The workbooks have an area for dictation of the rules, copywork of the rules, and brief exercises for each rule.  We are using it as our grammar program with Workbook 1 along with Latina Christiana.  Workbook 2 coincides with FFL.


You can see samples of it here: http://www.memoriapress.com/curriculum/writing-and-english-grammar/english-grammar-recitation

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We're it me, I'd save the money you'd spend on a workbook and just write one sentence a day on the whiteboard and ask the kids to punctuate it correctly. Discuss why commas go (or don't go) where the kids put them. If you do it every day, they'll learn.

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Well I feel like a total light-weight, but what about Comma Chameleon? (*sings* comma comma comma comma comma chameleon....)  



Bad on outlining rules, good for practice. 


I hope there's not a limit on how many links you can post. I have this in a document on my computer. 



Punctuation Pyramid:
Alien punctuation
Ship Adventure:
Comma Chameleon:
Dragon game, find the questions:
Comma IQ:
Comma Confusion: 
Wordville Comma Game (Mosquitoes) 
Classroom Jeopardy: (use big screen and light-up egg buzzers)
Semi-Colon Wars: 
Build a Clubhouse:
Skillswise Games homepage:
Making Sentences:
Magical Capitals
Floppy books adventures:
Oxford Reading Tree materials: 
Nouns and verbs cleanup:
Types of sentences: Fox
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