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Help! I need an EASY-to-follow elimination diet book or website (for anti-inflammatory and auto-immune)


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Everything I look at seems so overwhelming! I have what is thought to be an auto-immune related illness and want to try to eliminate whatever may be triggers for inflammation for me. (I tested negative for any allergies)


I have no idea where to start, and everything I look at seems to make it so complicated!


I guess I need something that says: eat only these things for this long to clear out your system, then add back in this thing only for this long and see how you feel, etc. (I assume that's how an elimination diet works?! Or do you take out one thing at a time?)


I have already cut out a LOT of things-nearly never eat processed foods, preservatives/colorings, all organic, no nuts, very low sodium, etc.


Something with recipes would be especially helpful!


Thanks so much!

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I've had herbalist clients follow the Inflammation-Free Diet Plan (Reinagle) with really good results.


It's not an elimination diet. Instead, it gives you the inflammatory value of foods and helps with meal planning to come out on the anti-inflammatory side each day.

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Trim Healthy Mama 


I did paleo or a couple years. I always struggled because I just couldn't maintain it. I lost 30 lbs following paleo and then stalled. 


THM is a marriage of a lot of ideas but somehow seems more manageable and sustainable for the long haul.  


I really love the Singing Canary drink that's made with turmeric. 


There's a ton of support on their FB site and they also have a forum. It's a lot to wrap my head around, but one step at a time. 



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