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Thursday's Teachers Lounge 3-13-2014


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The Lounge is open a day earlier because **I** need some adult, non-whiney conversation!


Welcome to the Teachers Lounge! A place for homeschool teachers to come in, take a load off, and

enjoy some non-whiney conversation.


Snacks today include Lemon Loaf cake, GF and non-GF Tyson Chicken Strips, organic Fuji apples, coffee, and tea.

And, of course, you're always welcome to bring in some of your own!


What are you up to today? Today is the first time I've felt mostly 'normal' all week but the kids' behavior threatens that delicate balance

right now! So I'm hiding in here! B-)


Going anywhere today? me: to the Food Bank. Not helpful for my GF needs, but helpful to keep the family from saying, "There's nothing to eat."

And considering checking is overdrawn and I can get an 'emergency' basket, I'm good with that.


Any special occasions coming up? I had a birthday the other day but we won't talk about that. Not because I mind birthdays but this one wasn't

much fun due to health.


I may have to do some yummy GF baking today, if I can squeeze in the time!


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Hi ya, Scrap!


I'm going to just mooch off of you today.  I don't feel like cooking or baking or even buying anything.  So pass me some lemon cake!


A.M. - has been chores and getting ready for dh to come back home after having been out of town all week.  


P.M. - doctors for me all afternoon.  The kids are in charge of dinner.  Ds16 is very excited about the carne asada he's planning on making.



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Count me in the moochers too. Yesterday we played hooky as I was babysitting a friends 2 kiddos since they are on spring break. Trying to get dd to get finished for today....it's taking a while. I should be working on ebay listings...but I don't wanna. Maybe tomorrow instead.


Scrap - check with your foob bank, but many have GF options now. I know ours has boxes marked GF, and staff at the local one where I go on occasion are more than happy to swap out something due to allergies or GF.


I haven't had to go to the food bank lately thankfully as I've started using the local mega-chain grocers freshness policy, and now I'm downing in bread, bagels, tortillas, milk, yogurt & carrots. Even going with a friend & spliting up stuff - she uses some things we don't eat, and vice versa - I'm still drowning in milk. And bread.


I'm off to go make pudding. I need chocolate. It's been that kind of a day. And then I'm going to try to post some books to paperbackswap - I need credits!


The only special event I have coming up is Easter, I guess. We don't really do easter per say - dd gets a backet & we watch the parade. The next big thing I have after that is Ramadan & Eid, but that isn't until June - July. Already planning though


Jean - carne asada sounds YUMMY. Used to eat it as a kid in school :)

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PIcked up our 1/4 of an organic steer from the meat packing facility. In about 45 minutes, the rocket team heads out for a long practice and the hope that winds will hold where they are at and we can get off two qualifying flights.


Other than that, it has been business as usual WITH a nasty headache that doesn't resolve with advil or Tylenol. Not certain what is up with that, but I didn't sleep well the past two nights and I suspect it has to do with that more than anything. Going to bed early tonight if I can make myself sleepy.

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I have some bean chips.  I had veggie and rice rolls for lunch, but they're all gone.  


Today, I am avoiding a lot of things.  It has been hard to keep myself busy without accomplishing anything.  Right now I am watching my dog nap in the sunshine and wondering if it would be better to take my own nap in the sun or take the dog for a walk.  I have plenty of stuff I should do, but won't.  My taxes are even sitting here refusing to do themselves but taking up space on my messy desk.


No special occasions coming except spring break at the end of the month.  I plan to sleep late and nap in the sun.

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I told my kids we would resume schooling at 1pm. It is now 1:18pm. About 8 minutes ago I decided I'm too worn out and weary to hear whines and groans when I call them back.

SO I'm conducting a 'test' to see if either one of them will own up to their responsibility and come find me when they're ready. They most likely won't but I don't need the frustration right now.

I'd love to take the family on a mini-trip, especially since dh's work is really slow right now. However, we just discovered that someone hacked into his company's server, absconded with personal info,

and filed multiple fraudulent tax returns, including ours, AND accepted the refunds! Urghhhhhh. However, amazingly, I am at peace and not stressed out because I know God is in control and He 

will make His Presence tangibly known to us in the most amazing ways. Can't wait to see what He does! Truly!

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Ameena, what's the "freshness policy"?


Our big chain of grocery stores here in TX does this. Basically, if you find an expired item on the shelf, you get an UNEXPIRED one free. Kinda like a bounty almost. I spend 3-4 hours a week running the store checking all the dates, and get around $80 of free every every week. Milk, veggies, salad, bread, bagels, tortillas, chips, yogurt - anything expired. I get a lot of organic / higher dollar stuff which is great IMO.


It's kept us from needing the food bank for the last 2 months, and we are eating better too.

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