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8th grade curriculum ideas. All subjects.


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Hi all!.  My son did Challenge A with Classical Conversations this year and while we liked the program he is not going to do it next year.  Now, I am trying to figure out what to put together for him for next year.  I need ideas/suggestions for most subjects.  We are going to continue with Math U See and Life of Fred for math as that seems to be going well.  I am trying to decide whether to go with something like SL or MFW or pull together things from different subjects I am open to anything.  I would like to start something that we could continue through high school.  I know this is a broad question but I am starting at the bottom right now and open to all suggestions.

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Are you looking to go into the Great Books and follow a 4yr history rotation in high school? Do you want open and go, or can you plan for yourself? Do you want history-based, lit-based, eclectic, Christian---? YE Science, secular, or something in-between? Any particular science subject (bio, enviro, chem, physics, earth sci, astron)?


If I had been able to continue with homeschooling, doing 8th grade this year, I would've used


k-12's Modern year history with Human Odyssey (Their series of 3 books are really engaging, imo)

a science program whose name escapes me (it's not Apologia or Abeka or BJU but it is Christian, but not YE)

Lit that is history-based but light analysis

online writing and writing across the curriculum


(I'd add in bible, probably using Rt.66 from Positive Action for Christ)

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I like Great Books and prefer the 4 year history rotation.  I can plan for myself but am not averse to open and go.  I prefer lit based, Christian. Science I am ok with secular or Christian ( we will probably stick with Apologia for science as they seem to enjoy it.). Thinking of Anatomy for science next year since that will go along with what my youngers are doing but I am open to suggestions.  I would like to get in some computer programming electives.


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I'm going with K12's Human Odyssey for history. 

I'll be pulling literature ideas form SCM's middle grades Lit and/or AmblesideOnline 

Memoria Press Latin (We will be on Second Form for 8th grade)


I'm going through a crisis of homeschooling philosophy, so I'm not even sure what other subjects I will teach next year (other than math) :P


Oh, I keep looking at Janice Campbell's high school program (which starts in 8th grade) for writing and lit.

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Mythology and historical epics are a fun literature course to do. Most of the epics are Great Books. When studied side by side the cultural differences of the various empires is quite interesting. There are also so many aspects that are the same. It is quite an interesting way to look at how we are all the same, yet all so different.


Epic of Gilgamesh

Iliad and Odyssey




Various Biblical heroes

King Arthur ( Le Motre Arthur)

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I'm going with K12's Human Odyssey for history. 

I'll be pulling literature ideas form SCM's middle grades Lit and/or AmblesideOnline 

Memoria Press Latin (We will be on Second Form for 8th grade)


I'm going through a crisis of homeschooling philosophy, so I'm not even sure what other subjects I will teach next year (other than math) :p


Oh, I keep looking at Janice Campbell's high school program (which starts in 8th grade) for writing and lit.


I am glad I am not the only one reaching a crisis of homeschooling philosophy :0)  We are looking at Memoria Press Latin too. He did Latin this year through CC (Henle) and I would like for him to continue in Latin but it is not something I want to teach him.  I am considering just going with IEW for writing since that is what my youngers will be doing in Essentials.

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I think you need to have some idea of what you want to do for highschool and then work backwards. No need to start in ancients for 8th if you're going to turn around and do it in 9th. Is there a time period he knows less about ? Modern? Maybe American? Is there a country or region he's always wanted to know more about? 8th grade is a great time to explore interests! Also be sure to strengthen writing skills.

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I think we are going to focus on American History for next year as he hasn't done that one since we started homeschooling and it is what my younger ones will be doing.  I do need to make a high school plan and work backwards. My issue is that we are military so I have no clue which state we are even going to be in when he "graduates" so I am going to have to go with very general requirements.


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Right now this is what I am looking at. Do you all see any gaps/holes?


Logic - Memoria Press

Latin - Memoria Press

Math - Math U See and Life of Fred

Science - Apologia his choice of subject

Java Programming

History - SOTW/MOH/Living Books

Literature - Memoria Press 8th grade pack

Writing - IEW

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