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Running out of math in high school

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DD will go through Alg 1 in 8th grade this coming year.  Presumably she will do Alg 2 in 9th, and Geometry in 10th.  She is not headed for a mathy career and knows she doesn't need/want calculus.  She thinks she is going to 'run out of math' options in high school since she's already kinda ahead on the math schedule.  I know it's WAY early but she is a really thinker and has been bringing it up lately.  I encouraged a Business Math or other specialized type of math to complete 4 math credits in HS.   I guess Trig is also an option?   She is going to go through AMerican School and would likely pay to test out of some of the math choices offered.  Any suggestions for her in planning her math course?

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She will not run out of math there is so much to choose from. Alg 2 in 9th, Geometry in 10th.  Precalc in 11th (even if she isn't planning on taking Calc this is a worthwhile class.  It often contains trig and I think some Alg concepts).  So that only leaves 1 year.  A business math, a consumer math, a stats class would all be doable options.

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She thinks she is going to 'run out of math' options in high school since she's already kinda ahead on the math schedule



She's not really.  Algebra 1 in 8th grade is normal in many parts of the country.




She is not headed for a mathy career and knows she doesn't need/want calculus. 


In 8th grade?  I changed what I wanted to be three times between 8th grade and freshman year of college.  It is way too soon to make that decision.


She could look at AOPS.  Has she considered Counting & Probability, Statistics, Number Theory?  Or a Coursera course?



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Stats is very useful for people who are not going to be math or science majors, in helping you understand statistical arguments in the media, in medicine, and everywhere else they pop up in modern society. If she did AP stats, she might also be able to get college credit for it which might count in college.


I would also strongly recommend precalc as a jr/stats as a senior. Many students change their majors once they get to college and find out that they need more math than they thought. People whose last algebra experience was in 9th or 10th grade tend to place into developmental classes, which is not good either for the self-esteem or the pocketbook. Doing precalc will help her review the algebra/geometry she's learned so she can do well on the SAT/ACT and also help her place higher in college placement tests if she DOES need math.

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My daughter's math progression was


8th grade: Lial's Beginning Algebra


9th grade: Harold Jacobs' Geometry (2nd edition)


10th grade: Lial's Intermediate Algebra


11th grade: College Algebra and Trigonometry at the local community college using Sullivan's Precalculus


12th grade: AP Statistics through PA Homeschoolers




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She's in 7th, so I'd indulge her in letting her know some options, but I'd plan on letting her go as far in math as she can as it's way too early to know if she'll need it later.  The training of the mind ... I've heard that somewhere lol ... is a worthy goal in and of itself.   Pre-calculus, statistics, probability, and even economics are some options. 

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