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I need opinions on Christian Light Education.


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I was planning on putting my 7th grader into a little private school this fall because we've gotten to the point where I don't feel like he's learning anything from me. As it turns out, though, we are now not moving to the city where the school is and dh has decided to homeschool ds. So we're looking for a curriculum that would have ds mostly teaching himself with dh just guiding him along. I've heard some really good things about Christian Light Education. Any opinions? I would use pretty much all of their materials and supplement with a tutor for writing instruction.

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but personally I wouldn't use it exclusively. We use it for reading and math. IMHO the science and history is pretty dry. I might try the science at some point down the road, but I'm not in love with it (I own the grade 5 program).


You might want to order one light unit of each subject (call and they have a discount for a "sampler" like this) to see.

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I'm going to give a neg on it:


From what I have seen (my nieces and nephews use it), it is very much like ACE PACES (my husband was on the board of an ACE school several years back). Not impressed, especially after seeing my niece's test scores.


I would use CLE before I'd use ACE. CLE is a more advanced than ACE, meaning, I believe it makes the student *think* better. I consider ACE to be pretty dumbed down in most areas.


I agree with the pp who suggested ordering a sample pack of LightUnits from CLE. You can request certain grade levels to be included in that sample pack, or let them send you a hybrid (their choice) of subjects and grade levels. Also be sure to get their Scope & Sequence.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We are using the math, LA, and Reading program. I give all 3 "2 thumbs up", for the following reasons:


1. Thoroughness ~ My daughter was ahead at least a grade or two in LA and she has had to do some remedial just to get ready for this program. I had heard the Spelling was weak, but frankly, I've had to add nothing else to this LA program.


She's also a very strong reader, but the Reading program is really making her think to ans the thoughtful questions that are included for each reading. Some folks alternate the 1/2 year Reading program with a novel in between the LUs and it works out really well.


The math is top-notch; they have revised it to the new Sunrise editions but only thru 8th grade. At that point I may continue on to Saxon, which I understand is also a spiral approach.


2. Cost. I only have the one child; their programs are very reasonable compared to others out there.


The History is also being revised. If you aren't focusing on a Chronological approach to History, their new Latin America studies might work for you, altho it is for a region of the world many of us don't concentrate on, perhaps. ?? But since the US is become more Latin every day, LOL., well, I'm beginning to wonder if it isn't a good idea to study this volume.


They will completely re-write their other texts for History to look/read more like the Latin American volume, so I'm thinking of picking up a copy just to check it out for future ref.


Science is supposed to be re-written in the future but I wouldn't wait for it, obviously.


My 2 cents.



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My children are in 2nd and 4th grades. I've used the math for 2 years. I will continue with the Sunrise edition math until grade 6 or 7 and then move to the Chalkdust program. I began using LA and Reading this year. I will continue those through approx. 7th and 9th grades also and move on to something like Omnibus.


I wouldn't consider jumping into this program in the upper grades though. It is very rigorous and builds on itself. I don't think Sunrise math is available in the upper grades yet anyway. Sunrise is far superior to the older lightunits, which are black and white versions of Lifepacs. HTH.

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We are using CLE LA, maths and reading for grades 2, 4 , 7. They are really solid programs and quite rigorous. My 7th grader is having a rough time in CLE reading 7. I really like them and the kids work pretty well on their own in them. We tried the CLE SS(Sunrise) in 1st and 3rd grade. We found it really boring and couldn't finish them. I have also tried the CLE science 1 (Sunrise), which we also couldn't stand. We have used CLE Bible 1 which we loved and we are now using CLE Bible 2 which is also pretty good.



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We love their math. I haven't used their other subjects because I'm happy with what I have at the moment. But CLE is nothing like Ace paces. This is coming from someone who has used ACE as well.

CLE is much more advanced and has the child think more out of the box then Ace will ever do. So I wouldn't even compare the apples to oranges.


There is a CLE yahoo group and its a very active group and you can get more answers there on their upper grades subjects from other families there.. . http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ChristianLightFamilies

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We love their math. I haven't used their other subjects because I'm happy with what I have at the moment. But CLE is nothing like Ace paces. This is coming from someone who has used ACE as well.

CLE is much more advanced and has the child think more out of the box then Ace will ever do. So I wouldn't even compare the apples to oranges.


There is a CLE yahoo group and its a very active group and you can get more answers there on their upper grades subjects from other families there.. . http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ChristianLightFamilies

:iagree: The yahoo group is full of information and also they have samples you can look at of all grades and subjects.


We have used them for Pre-K through 4th grade and love them. We only do Math and Language as we are pleased with what we have for the other subjects. I think CLE is worth checking into.

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because of all the recommendations I've read here. All the good reviews are true! I'm really impressed.


CLE kindly sent me free samples of math (with answer key) and reading at the grade levels I requested. They arrived very quickly.


Since I decided dd will go ahead with algebra (Foerster's) I won't use the eighth grade math as a spine, but will definitely use the sample as review material and order other light units as needed. It looks very strong.


I was always VERY hesitant to use readers but the seventh grade reading workbook sample convinced me to call up and order the reader. It hasn't arrived yet, but I'm expecting good things. I like that CLE teaches literary terminology and has students think deeply and apply what they learn to other stories and poems.

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My dd is certainly being challenged. It doesn't look that hard on the surface but apparently it is making her think. She doesn't often have to ask for help, but she does with this program. It is forcing her to really understand the meaning of words and how to use them, and reinforcing literary terms, etc. Plus it's all based on stories designed to help with character development.




because of all the recommendations I've read here. All the good reviews are true! I'm really impressed.


CLE kindly sent me free samples of math (with answer key) and reading at the grade levels I requested. They arrived very quickly.


Since I decided dd will go ahead with algebra (Foerster's) I won't use the eighth grade math as a spine, but will definitely use the sample as review material and order other light units as needed. It looks very strong.


I was always VERY hesitant to use readers but the seventh grade reading workbook sample convinced me to call up and order the reader. It hasn't arrived yet, but I'm expecting good things. I like that CLE teaches literary terminology and has students think deeply and apply what they learn to other stories and poems.

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