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Should I see an ob/gyn?


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I got my first postpartum period back after baby three (born feb 2012) in dec of 2012. I was regular- every 28 days until may/June when my period was an entire week late. Since then it has varied between 27-30 days. One whole week late in November. Now, 6 days late. I'm just asking I I should go in for this. I did mention it to my regular doctor but she didn't say anything about it, of course she also wasn't helpful with the issue I actually went in for.... So... Please advise. :)

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Does the irregularity of your periods concern you or do you think you might be pregnant?


Honestly, it can take quite awhile for periods to return to a regular schedule postpartum… even if one isn't breastfeeding. (If breastfeeding, it can be even longer.)  What was the norm cycle pre-pregnancy may have changed as well.


For me, I'd hold off…and if I thought I was pregnant, I'd pick up a test.

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