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S/O Child with Celiac…Adult w/Gluten Sensitivity Mood/Behavior Change?


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I've brought this up SO many times when talking about Celiacs. Mood changed were my husbands only noticeable symptom prior to eliminating gluten. His mood and behavior was so annoying/depressing/angry that I was about ready to force him into anti depressants, or therapy. He just happened to go gf that week and instant mood change. We couldn't believe it. I even randomly contaminated him (with his permission!) several times after he detoxed, and his mood came back in just a few hours.


Since then, he reports (after gluten eating) tiredness, hair trigger mood swings, and general pessimism.


After doing research, I discovered it is a very common, but under reported symptom.

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I've brought this up SO many times when talking about Celiacs. Mood changed were my husbands only noticeable symptom prior to eliminating gluten. His mood and behavior was so annoying/depressing/angry that I was about ready to force him into anti depressants, or therapy. He just happened to go gf that week and instant mood change. We couldn't believe it. I even randomly contaminated him (with his permission!) several times after he detoxed, and his mood came back in just a few hours.


Since then, he reports (after gluten eating) tiredness, hair trigger mood swings, and general pessimism.


After doing research, I discovered it is a very common, but under reported symptom.

Just out of curiosity, where did you find this research?

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My daughter is frequently stressed, anxious, irritable, and angry. We had got used to thinking that was just her. She has trouble holding down a job for more than three months because of the stress and anxiety it causes her. She's out of work at the moment. So about two or the weeks ago we went to a paleo way of eating, With no gluten, no grains, no sugar, less than 60g carbs a day. She has improved dramatically. She's not by any means perfect but so much easier to live with. I expect it will only continue to improve.

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For a couple of years I had gone..not gluten free, but wheat free & processed carb free.  It was the happiest, mellowest time of my adult life.  I felt the difference almost immediately.  Unfortunately I fell off the wagon & I found myself back in the land of bread & junk for the last 6 months.  During that time I have been so miserable.  And I knew it.  And I was powerless to change it.  But I would bake a cake to try ;).  I was caught in a trap.  Finally I bottomed out & took a trip to the proper grocer store, purchased all the right things & took the grain/carbs away Sunday & replaced them with foods that suit me.  Today (Thursday) is the first day in months I woke up feeling rested, ready to take on the day.  I felt very chill & under control.  And I found pleasure in life again.  Just like that.  Just from eating a bit differently.  It is amazing & it is exactly the same experience I had the first time I did it.  I *hope* I never fall off the wagon again.   It's dramatic.

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Just out of curiosity, where did you find this research?

Mood changes and irritability are often listed at the end of symptom lists for Celiacs, or squished in the middle where it's not noticeable. If you hunt around naturopathic research sites it becomes much more common. And first hand accounts on celiac forums.

I'll look around for actual links.

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Yes!!! If I get gluten by accident, I start getting really anxious. If I can trace it to something I might have had that was contaminated, I can feel bad without freaking out though (mind over matter, knowing it will pass). The more careful I am, the better I feel--I no longer eat regular oats, for instance. I am much more careful about hidden sources of gluten now, and it's so much better (the GF Halloween candy list that one blogger puts out is eye-opening!). 


I felt worse going GF before I felt better though. It took a couple of weeks before I felt normal. It was wonderful. Mental fog was gone quickly, but I had headaches, withdrawals, etc.

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