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Buy or see Sadlier Oxford Vocabulary Workshop?


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They kinda hide their samples but they are there :) I was doing this just moments ago!


From the home page, navigate to the Shopping section.


Click on Vocabulary.

Click on View Products in Grade.  You will then get previews, but they are only of the 2012-2013 version. I could not find previews of the older version.


As for ordering, you can order directly. I was playing around and put a cart together, but have not yet ordered.  I was surprised when I went to check out. The prices had jumped up.  But I now see that the website says that the quoted prices are 25% discounted for institutions. 


You have to log in to be see pricing for the 2005 or 1996 versions.



Kolbe Academy carries the older 2005 versions.


edited for clarity

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You may not be interested in this, but EPS's Wordly Wise series is Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop's competitor, and when I compared them, I preferred Wordly Wise, but they are very similar in approach & format. One deciding factor for me was that WW doesn't require a homeschooler to jump through hoops to get TMs/answer keys. Those are a big time-saver since DS is working at higher levels now.

Anyway, anyone who is interested can see Wordly Wise samples here: http://eps.schoolspecialty.com/products/details.cfm?series=2818M

And free word lists & reinforcement activities for every WW level here (click on the "students" button on the right): http://wordlywise3000.com/

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I have no opinion on WW because I've never seen it. Now I *DO* think Vocabulary from Classical Roots (what SWB recommends in TWTM) is full of busywork. I've looked over several levels at our support group's curriculum fair and was not impressed.


Vocabulit I liked but thought that the words were far easier than the ones in VW. I had to go up to the 12th grade level in Vocabulit to find words similar to the 8th grade level of VW.

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I think I got mine from Amazon. My student is in the Green level, so it's fairly easy for me to correct without a key. She's also very apt to stop working and ask me for help about any question she isn't sure of (NOT a guesser) so I haven't needed the manual. I may try to buy the manual for the upper levels though.


Fwiw, we used and completed Wordly Wise level A before doing VW green and I much prefer VW for my particular student. I was not seeing any retention with Wordly Wise. She was still needing to look back at the definitions even after a couple of days of practice with the words. I'm not seeing that with VW (though she's only on Unit 5 so we haven't even done half the book yet).

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